Chapter 3

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@Ana_Jones: Day 3 of captivity.

"Did you seriously just tweet a picture of us eating cereal?" Louis glanced away from his glowing iPhone and up at me with a suspicious look.

I nodded, licking the frosting from my cinnamon roll from my lips. "Yes. Yes, I did."

"Day three of captivity? Uh, excuse you, miss!" Harry tried to sound like a sassy little girl but failed due to his mouth being full of Froot Loops. "It's not being a captive if you want to be here, actually."

"I know, Harry." I reached over to pet his head lightly before leaning on the island in Louis' nice home in London. It was very big in here, and I loved coming over. It felt like a second home. All of the guys always chose Louis' home to have parties or just to hang out, simply because it looked nice. Louis was, of course, the messiest of the group, though. Therfore, the guys always called Ariana and I over to help them tidy up before a party or something.

"Hey, did you two buy Take Me Home?" Zayn asked, sipping his coffee from the white mug with a black mustache on it. Ari and I got it for him a long time ago, I'm surprised he still has it to be honest.

"Duh!" Ariana replied, shoveling a waffle drenched in syrup down her throat. Her pink and blue flannel pajama pants were the only thing I could see, because she was laying upside down on the sofa with her legs dangling over the back.

"I got the deluxe CD and the yearbook edition on iTunes."

"What's your favorite tracks?" Zayn continued to ask, genuinely interested in what we were about to say.

"Live While We're Young," I answered immediantly.

"Last First Kiss," Ariana said right after me.

"Or Heart Attack."

"I also adore Change My Mind."

"And Summer Love."

"Ooh! I cannot forget She's Not Afraid!"

"Don't forget to mention Over Again," I added. "Love that one!"

"Little Things is sick," Ariana kept going. "Tell Ed he deserves a standing ovation for that one."

"And They Don't Know About Us, Nobody Compares, I Would, Back For You, Still The One, C'mon C'mon and Loved You First," I said cooly, examining the french toast in my hand.

Ariana giggled. "Kiss You, too!"

"We get it!" all five boys snapped at us, which made me laugh. They seriously let us name off sixteen of their songs without saying anything.

"The fact that you remember all of those titles off the top of your heads impresses me," Harry stated, wiggling his eyebrows up at me. Zayn handed Niall his empty mug, and the shorter boy took it, along with his empty plate, and carried it behind me to the sink.

"In all honesty, my absolute favorite is Little Things," Ariana said. "I adore it. Seriously, text Ed freaking Sheeran right now and tell him I bow down to him and his greatness."

Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam chuckled as Harry slid out his iPhone and began typing the message, presumably to Ed.

"And mine is Rock Me, since I forgot to mention it earlier," I said.

Liam nodded in agreement. "That one is going to be so fun to perform."

Just then, Niall came up behind me and placed his hands on my bare waist. The gray sweatpants I was styling were slung kind of low on my hips, and my tank top had risen up. His fingers were cold from just being in the sink, but his breath on my neck was warm. He leaned in close and whispered, "I want you to rock me."

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