Truly, Madly, Deeply

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I pushed my way through the hustle and bustle of Heathrow Airport, trying to find any sign of a familiar face or smell. So far, the only scent that filled my nostrils was peanuts and cheap cologne. Women in matching uniforms were rushing around me as if they had some place to be, which I knew they didn't. Faint crying from cranky children were in the distance as their mothers tried to shush them.

Some old guy bumped into my shoulder, and I mumbled an apology to him. The poor old man was too busy griping on his mobile about his flight being delayed to even acknowledge me.

Ignoring my thoughts about the moody old man, I just continued pulling my black suitcase and leopard-printed carry-on through the airport. Why is it that places seem so much bigger when you've got somewhere to be and someone to see? Dammit, this place makes me frustrated.

Being back in London was actually quite weird. I've been in Florida for school with my twin sister, Ariana, for the past six months. Florida is beautiful, but it's rather nice being home in the United Kingdom. I feel like there's so much I missed out on while I was away, though.

You know, despite the fact that my best friend has won a bunch of major awards and has a number one album and single out right now.

"Ana, wait up!" I felt a tug on my arm and knew automatically that it was my sister. We look basically identical, except she has auburn hair (she dyed it quite a few years ago so people wouldn't get us confused) and mine is more brown. Plus, people compare her to Ariana Grande.

"Walk faster," I hissed, not wanting to go any slower than the pace I was going now. Sometimes she just doesn't understand, and it really irritates me.

I could practically feel her brown eyes roll. "Just because you think you're older doesn't mean you get to boss me around."

"I am older."

"Four minutes and fifty-seven seconds doesn't count!" she whined.

"Uh, it kinda does."

She decided not to put up an arguement and kept trotting on her black sandals to try to keep up with me. I could feel my palms become sweaty and I suddenly felt hot. I'm pretty sure my forehead was beading with sweat, but I have no idea why. It was a lovely September afternoon here in London, which means it was quite cold. Well, not for the natives, but for a girl who has spent the past six months in Florida, it was freezing outside.

Adjusting the LA Kings snapback that was backwards on my brown hair, I only kept walking. Dammit, how big is this place? Did they add onto it while I was in the states? They must have, because I see a Starbucks kiosk, and I don't remember that from before.


I glanced up quickly, immediantly recognizing the raspy voice that had just called my name. And there he was.

My blonde, Irish friend was standing there, both hands in his front pockets. He was exactly how I remember him, except maybe a little more attractive. He had on a black snapback that matched his plain shirt, and his favorite Supras. Random strings of blonde hair was sticking out from the sides, just like I remember.

"Niall!" I shrieked, happy to see his face in real-life after six months of only seeing it over a computer screen. My carry-on fell to the tiled airport floor as my suitcase handle released from my grasp. With my arms out-stretched, I began running towards the taller boy.

There was a wide smile on my face as I jumped into his strong arms. Mine wrapped around his neck as he squeezed his around my waist. I was extremely tempted to wrap my legs around his skinny little waist, but thought other-wise. My bright blue Vans were now a good foot off of the ground as Niall held me. His cologne engulfed me and I could feel myself melting in his arms.

I buried my face into his neck and he squeezed me tighter. I never wanted this moment to end; reuniting with my best friend after six long, hard months of being apart felt incredible. FaceTime, Skype, and iMessaging was getting old, I needed to be there.

I needed to be there, with him. Holding his muscular bicep while taking a walk to the park we used to go to or to Starbucks. Trying on snapbacks at H&M. Picking clothes for him at Hollister. Being there to participate in the standing ovation he got for winning awards. I just needed to know that I was there for him; and for the past six months, I wasn't.

"I missed you, munchkin." Niall's breath tickled my neck as he spoke into my hair. It only made me not want to let go even more.

"I missed you, too," I mumbled against him.

After a minute or so, I finally let go of him. I'd be here until after Christmas, so I had plenty of time to hug him whenever I wanted to. To go shopping and go on Starbucks runs at four in the morning. To watch romantic comedies with a bowl full of kettlecorn. To reconnect.

Ariana and I said our hello's and I Miss You's to the other lads, Paul, and Josh. Niall and I walked out of the cool airport arm-in-arm.

We were together, and I felt extremely happy. For the first time in six months.



It would seriously mean the world if you commented. I am very proud of how the prologue turned out, actually. So please please please comment? And maybe even fan? A lot of things will be explained as the story goes on, so please stick with me. I love you so much, please.

Ana and Ariana, thank you so much for auditioning! I couldn't possibly pick between the two of you, so I decided to make you twins since your audition descriptions were so similar. Ana, in the end, is the main character, though. Hope you're both happy with my choice.

Also, MASSIVE SHOUTOUT TO @DriveCars_EatCarrots for the amazing cover. I love it so much, thank you for making it. Much love to you. ANOTHER SHOUTOUT TO MY STARS @OhHai_ImAna and @NarianaForever101. You two are amazing, beautiful, and soo sweet! xx

Thank you for reading, DONT FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE, AMD FAN! Because this might be going in the 2013 Watty Awards. [:

- Maddie xx

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