Chapter 16

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"Horanettes, get your tissues ready! 1D's Niall Horan hooked up with super hot model, Adriana Lima, last night before the One Direction concert in London! A friend of Niall's said, 'They met at the party we went to a few days ago and they really hit it off. They exchanged numbers and promised to see each other soon, and that was it.'. Another inside source says that Horan has been crushing madly on the babe for quite a while now! When asked about her in an interview, Ni only blushed and said, 'She's pretty'.

A member of the boys' management states, 'The boys only have a few more shows in the UK, then they'll be flying out to Europe. There is simply no time for dating.' We're not sure if things were serious or if it was just friends hanging out, but it seemed very romantic to us!"

The pictures that followed showed Adriana in her tight dress and Niall holding her hand as they battled paparazzi and went to a nice resturant. The two honestly looked like a real couple, and that made me sick deep inside.

"Fucking hell," I grumbled, tossing the magazine into the garbage bin.

"Ana Banana, it's called a gossip magazine for a reason," Ariana pointed out, giving me a stern look. "Niall told you it wasn't important, why are you freaking out?"

"Because it is important!" I insisted, throwing my hand down on the pillow in my lap. The slapping sound made Ariana jump in surprise. "He cancelled our plans to be with her, so she's clearly important in some kind of way!"

"You're freaking out over nothing, twinnie."

"Okay then, how would you feel if Harry dated a gorgeous model?" I challenged, raising my eyebrows at her. Her eyes widened slightly and her arms twitched awkwardly. I knew that if she were in my position, she wouldn't be in her right mind either.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Good point... Why don't you just text Adriana and get to the bottom of this if it's freaking you out so much? Come on now, pull up your big girl panties and be a bad bitch!"

"What are you even talking about?"

"That's your problem!" Ariana started, pulling on her black Converse high tops. "You're too nice for your own good! You're just letting Adriana steal your man! Get up, get mean, and lay down the law! Niall is yours and only yours!"

I sighed, hiding my face into my palms. "That's the thing, though. He isn't mine."

I suppose that that was my first problem. I was upset over a guy that didn't even like me, let alone my absolute best friend. Niall had no feelings for me once so ever and it was pretty obvious now. Despite the hickey and the flirtacious kisses, Niall and I were only a figment of a Nana shipper's imagination. That's all we'll ever seem to be.

"And it's too late to make him mine," I muttered into my clammy hands.

I heard Ariana sigh from somewhere in front of me. I could tell that she was thinking deeply about what to do or say. "How about we forget about everything. The boys only have two more shows here in London, then we're headed to Paris. Paris, Ana! You two are bound to have some alone time in the City of Love. It'll all be okay, I promise."

My face left my hands as I glanced up to smile at her. After thinking over Ariana's words, I realized that she was probably right. Adriana would be a miracle worker if she found a way to follow us to Paris. After London, Niall would most likely forget all about the beautiful model.

"Get dressed! Sound check is in ten minutes," Ariana shouted as she marched out of the door.

I pulled on a comfy white sweater, distressed shorts, and brown lace-up boots. Content with my outfit, I headed down to the car waiting for me in the back parking lot and climbed in, met with the faces of my three best friends. We giggled - correction, they giggled - the entire ride to the arena. If I wasn't in such a bad mood, I probably would've sang along to Demi Lovato's new song with them.

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