Chapter 22

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I followed the smell of pancakes and syrup down to the private dining hall where the boys, girls, and crew all had breakfast, provided by the friendly staff at the hotel. My plaid pajama pants were hung low around my waist and my Bruno Mars shirt clung loosely around my shoulders. It had been a long night; I thought about where I went wrong and I thought about Niall and Logan. I was confused and my mind was a madhouse. When I woke up, my room had been abandoned so I had assumed that the girls were already up and down stairs eating the first meal of the day without me.

I rounded the corner into the large and private room with five massive tables; one for the food buffet, two for crew, one for stage hands, and one for us. As soon as I got in, I stopped in my tracks in the door frame. My spot, which was usually between Lou and Caroline, was taken. I slowly approached the table as more and more eyes looked in my direction.

"Morning, sleepy head," Louis beamed up at me from the other end of the table. Zayn and Harry sent me cheerful waves as they shoveled waffles into their mouths. "Sleep in?"

I lifted my arm to run my fingers through my messy hair as I yawned. "Uh, yeah. . . I finally went to bed at three this morning."

My feet carried me to my spot where I normally sit but was now being accompanied by someone with strawberry-red hair. There was only one person on this tour with that color hair; it had to be my twin.

"Ariana, why are you in my spot?" I asked, my voice soft from just waking up.

Ariana's large, brown eyes looked up at me with a worried expression. I watched her as she glanced at Lou, then at Caroline. The two older women only returned with shrugs, as if they didn't know what to do. Why were they acting so loopy?

"Well, we had to make room for our guest. . ." Ariana told me in her most sweet and child-like voice, biting her bottom lip harshly. She only spoke like that when she knew I was about to be upset with her or if she wanted to be forgiven for something she had done.

My facial features contorted into confusion as I looked down at her. "Our guest?" By now the smell of bacon, syrup, and coffee was making my mouth water and I was in dire need of food in my system.

"Hey, Ana!" a girly and horribly familiar voice squeaked from further up the table. "Good to see my favorite rookie again!" My eyes snapped up the table to see that same mass of wavy brown hair, huge fake eyelashes, and an abundance of make up. The gasp that escaped my lips obviously seemed to amuse her as she grinned innocently at me.

"Adriana?" I greeted, but it came out sounding more like a question. Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry all seemed to be avoiding my eyes as I stared at the end of the table. "W - what are you doing here?"

She smiled even wider. "Niall and the boys -" she started, immediantly being interrupted by the other four males at the table.

Harry coughed awkwardly. "Niall." Zayn and Liam followed his actions and, at the same time started mumbling. "Niall. . . Mostly Niall." Louis sipped his orange juice and looked at me. "I had nothing to do with it. . . All Horan's idea."

"Niall. Horan." Harry clarified for me before digging into his food again.

Adriana looked at the boys, then back at me with a playful giggle. "They thought it'd be cool to hang out again, so I jumped on the fastest train and came straight here! I couldn't wait to see the guys - and you - again. Surprise! Sorry I took up the last space at the table. . ."

Niall, who was seated beside Adriana with his arm wrapped around her chair, sent me a sarcastic smile. He knew this was bothering me, he knew having her back pushed my buttons. "Hope you don't mind," he said.

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