Pillow Shopping

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Fifteen minutes later, Loki came out of his room. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans and a green button up shirt. His hair was slicked back and he wore black and white high tops. You also emerge from your room, wearing a red hoodie and some blue jeans. Your old sneakers and wore out, fading jeans made you feel embarrassed.

"Where did you get the outfit?" You ask. Man, you seem to be asking a whole lot of questions this morning, but hey. Loki was an interesting guy...or god.

Loki looked down at his clothes and smoothed out his shirt. "Oh, its just an illusion. Underneath the layer of magic is my armor. These clothes do not really exist."

"Don't you get uncomfortable in that? I mean, it looked really bulky and heavy and well...I just thought it would be a tad..." You trail off as Loki's face shows you a clear answer. I am not that weak. I can carry my own weight in armor, thank you very much. It seemed to read.

"Let us be off!" Loki opened the front door and holds it for you as you walk out.

"What the..." You apartment looks the same on the outside, same size and shape. You walk back inside and look around. The inside is just as large as before. You walk back out side, looking at Loki in awe. "Its bigger on the inside than the outside."

"I told you. Magic. Also reffered to by the Whovian, time lord technology." Loki smiled.

"One more question. If what you are wearing is an illusion, what were you doing in that room for 15 minutes?" You raise an eyebrow.

Loki hesistated. You give him a persistent look. He sighs. "I was fixing my hair."

"For 15 minutes?" You say.

"Heh. You know how much care goes into my fabulous hair? I need shampoo, conditioner, hair gel, hair cream, hair spray, and moisturizer just to keep it presentable." Loki's ears turned red.

Loki grabs your hand and takes you down the road. "Now, _________, which way to the local shopping mall?"

You grab his shoulders and turn him around, facing him towards your car. "We are going to take the car. It will save time."

"Oh. OK." Loki leaps into the car as soon as you unlock it. "No way, bucko. I am driving. "Disappointed, Loki slowly stepped out of the drivers seat and walked around to shot gun.

Once you arrive to the mall, Loki eagerly jumps out and rushes you inside. He takes you to every home improvement store in the mall. Four and a half hours later, you and Loki are carrying dozens of shopping bags full to the brim with fandom related furniture and accessories. One last stop for the day and you are done.

"Pillow shopping." You say not so enthusiastically as you enter the shop. You have never liked pillow shopping since you could never find anything you liked.

"That's cuz you've never gone pillow shopping with me before." Loki leads you towards the large couch pillow section.

There are thousands of pillows, each one as ugly as the next. You wrinkle your nose at the musty smell of old air.

"Pick a bunch of pillows that you think are shaped like items from your fandoms." Loki instructed. You wander around for a bit then see a pillow which could look slightly similar to the tardis. You hold it up for Loki to see and he gives you a thumbs up. You also find a bunch of other pillows, one shaped like the London Eye. None of the pillow covers were any good, all worn out and dusty. You just had to imagine and look closely at the shapes in different ways.

You come back with an armful of pillows and set them down in front of Loki. He picks up the stack and walks over to the cashier. He rings up the pillows and you and Loki set off.

Piling the bags of stuff in your trunk, Loki gazes at the pillows with interest. He took a seat in the car and you start driving.

"Okay, god of mischief, now what? I have a trunk full of ugly pillows, but that's okay because they are shaped like like items from my fandoms. They don't look like them but, who cares about that?" You ask as you pull into your driveway.

"I am shocked at your lack of faith. Believe a little, will you?" Loki opens the trunk and grabs a pillow, the one shaped like a triangle. He looks at you. "What did you picture this to be?"

"I thought of the Deathly Hallows... You know, the elder wand, resurrection stone, and the invisibility cloak." You say confused.

Loki waved his hand over the pillow. Immediately, the old, mustard yellow cover changed to the Deathly Hallows. The outside border of the triangle was silver, running straight down the triangle was a silver line and in the middle of it, its edges touching the lines of the triangle, was a silver circle.

Your eyes opened wide and your mouth drops. Loki smirked in satisfaction at the sight of your expression. He unloads the rest if the stuff, bringing them inside your newly resized apartment. The rest if the day was spent remaking the pillows and decorating your apartment with your new stuff. By the time you are done, you realize Loki was missing.

Scared, you call our his name. Had he left you? Gone back to the lands of gods and magic? Your eyes begin to tear up. He left...

"Didya miss me? " a laugh. You turn around and see the god of mischief leaning against the wall with a pizza box in his hands. You run up and slap him. "Ouch."

"NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! I THOUGHT YOU HAD LEFT ME! WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!!!" You slap him over and over, until both his cheeks have red handmarks on them. He looked thoroughly hurt. Loki gives you sad puppy eyes.

"I would never leave you. Especially without saying goodbye." Loki wraps his arms around you and leads you to the couch. He leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek. Your eyes widen. He whispers in your ear, "Please forgive me."

"Well, you did bring me pizza so,.... I suppose I could forgive you." You smile and lean onto his shoulders. Loki turns on Netflix and starts up Doctor Who. You slowly lift a slice of pizza and nibble on it. Then, you think of an idea. "You have done so much for me in only two days. Let me pay back the favor."

"Oh no. Just letting me stay here is good enough." Loki protests.

"No. I insist. Tommorow, we are going to go all around town. I will show you everything, and maybe get you some new clothes. That armor can't be to comfortable." Loki opens his mouth to argue but then Doctor Who finishes loading and begins playing. Loki snuggles up next to you and mumurs 'fine' softly. Content, you sigh and watch the show, eating your pizza and cuddling with Loki.

Author note:

Yay, after a week of torture (also called school), I finally finished this chapter and wow, it is so much shorter than I expected. Eheheheheheh whoops as to the story, I GOT MY FIRST VOTE! THANK YOU SO MUCH, WHOEVER IT WAS WHO VOTED FOR ME :) This one is dedicated to you. Just so you know, this story takes place before the avengers, right after Thor's coronation. You will see in the chapter after next. Hopefully the next chapter will be uploaded by Sunday, but no promises since, well, I procrastinate very much

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