Fondue (sorta)

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Authors note: so due to mixed comments about...kadoodling, I will make two different parts that both end the same way. The first one has no kadoodling. The second one has a lot of know what I mean by kadoodling?

Non kadoodling:

Look plopped on the bed, dragging you with him. "You ready?"

You blush. "Yup."

Loki propped himself on his elbows. "Okay then, truth or dare?"

You look confused. "Huh?"

"Oh...don't you know what I was talking about? OH!!! I forgot, its an Asgardian tradition. You don't...whoops. Erm, what did you think I was referring to?"

You turn bright red. "Um. Nothing. Tell me what this tradition is."

Loki tilts his head. "Okaaay? So in Asgard, when two people start dating, they play this game called truth or dare, which you Midgardians know about. The truth symbolizes the trust between the two and the dare represents the courage and will to sacrifice for each other."

You regain your dignity and confidentially say, "Bring it on."

Loki grins. "Okay, truth or dare?"

"Uhhhhh truth." You say. Loki gives you his scheming look.

"What was your first impression of me?" He says easily.

"Huh. Most people ask, who was your first crush or something like that. Well, at first I thought you were funny looking, standing in your armor, yelling at the sky. Then I got a closer look at your face and thought hey, he is kinda cute. But then you started to talk about myths like they were real and I thought you were mental. Not anymore though."

"Awww thanks. I think." Loki said, satisfied.

"Now you, truth or dare?" You ask.

"Dare. I hate truth." Loki said. You think for a moment.

"I dare you to make Thor some coffee, pour an entire bottle of hot sauce in, and leave it out so when he gets back, he will drink it." You say laughing.

"Done," Loki gets up and leaves. A few minutes later he comes back. "So, I didn't do the dare exactly. I don't know how to use the coffee maker, so instead I poured the hot sauce in the mug and cast an illusion so it looks like coffee. I left a note saying that I made it for him."

You burst out laughing. "I will accept it."

"Truth or dare?"

"Uh, dare this time."

"I dare you to kiss me." Loki said simply. You lean forward and smooch him.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth. I'll have to do I sooner or later, I suppose."

"What are your feelings on Sif?"

"Huh?" The words had slipped out of your mouth. Loki stared at you confused. Too late to take it back.

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