What Happened?

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What happened? You open your eyes, squinting in the harsh yellow light. Your body aches and stings. Your vision clears up to show a man's face leaning over you. You groan.

"You feeling okay?" The man says. You recognize that voice, in fact you would know that voice anywhere.

"Jensen?" You croak. Your brother ((who's name just happens to be the same as the actor who plays Dean Winchester since I am on so creative)) from college, was grinning from above you. He was a tall man with tanned, muscular skin. Dean had green eyes and short, spiked, light brown hair. Your brother wore black jeans and a plaid grey T-shirt underneath a old brown leather jacket.

"Howdy there, little sister." He said in his western accent.

"What happened? Why am I hurting?" You say.

Jensen raised an eyebrow. "Can't you remember anything that happened?"

You try to think of what went on in the past week. You couldn't remember. Now that you think about it, you can't remember what happened in the past month. Not one single memory was there. The last thing you remember is getting a pepperoni pizza. And there was...a man? Who was he? You couldn't remember what he looked or sounded like, nor why you had met him.

"I can't remember." You say.

Dean shrugged. "Doctor Smith is saying that you were in a fire. These are all burns on your skin."

"Was I?" Dean nods. You feel like something isn't right, like you were in more than just an average fire. "Where was I at the time?"

"He says you were found outside your apartment. No trace of the fire at all." You squint in confusion. Just then, Doctor Smith walks in. He is a tall skinny man with brown spiked up hair and brown eyes. He spoke wit a British accent and always wore a brown pinstripe suit. His full name was John Smith, which you found hilarious since he looked so much like David Tennant. ((That's a Doctor Who reference))

"Hullo. How are we feeling today?" He asked. You grunt. He smiles and laughs. "Well, I have brilliant news. You can leave the hospital today."

You smile. A few hours later, you are standing outside your apartment. Jensen had told you that the hospital called him and he came from college to help after he heard. You push open the door, leaning on your brother for support. Your body still ached, by you could deal with it.

You walk into the apartment, seeming slightly disappointed by the sight of it. It was as it normally was, small and plain. You don't know why, but for some reason you had expected something...magical. Something...different, though you didn't know why.

You plop down on your old couch and Jensen sits next to you. You flip on Netflix and start Doctor Who. Jensen notices something on the table. "Are those the clothes I forgot?"

You glance at the table. On it was a pair of black jeans, a T-shirt and a hoodie. "Yeah. Huh, that's funny. I don't remember putting it there."

You look back at the TV. The episode was completely wrong. You had just finished part one of a season five episode. This was season seven. Someone had been watching on your Netflix account. You grumble to yourself to change your password, before switching to the correct episode. You then lounge back against your brother and start watching.


Loki angrily waved his hand, dissolving the image of you away. He had seen everything and was not too happy. Loki had severe burn marks all over his arms and legs, one leaving a scar from the edge of his elbow up to his jawline. Back on Asgard, he stood in the war council room with his brother, mother, Odin, and Sif. The warriors three had patrol duty and Laufey had traveled back to Jotunheim after hearing the news of Loki's livingness.

"Loki, dear. You couldn't have gone back to her." Frigga said, trying to comfort her youngest son.

"Why not?" He pouted, though deep down he knew she was right.

"Its too dangerous. She almost died." Thor piped up.

"We should have died. It was mere luck that the portal activated last second. To be honest, I would have been happier if we did die." Loki said, much to the shock of both Frigga and Thor.

"You don't really mean that. You couldn't possibly want to die." Sif said. Loki glared at her.

"You don't know what happened on Midgard. Had it not been for my stupid bullet proof skin, I would have died with a bullet through the head. I tried to commit suicide." He said. Loki paused for a moment before adding, "I thought I wasn't worth it."

Odin decided to join the conversation. "It wasn't mere luck that the portal activated, I made it activate."

Loki gaped. "Pardon?"

"I took pity on your wretched soul, especially since you were so frustrated about not knowing how to activate the portal. I used major dark magic. You should be grateful." Odin said.

"You couldn't have done that BEFORE my girlfriend was injured badly enough by the lava to LOSE HER MEMORIES?!?" Loki yelled.

"I SAVED BOTH OF YOUR LIVES!" Odin screamed back and stormed put of the room. Frigga did a face palm.

"Forgive him Loki." She said. Loki said nothing, but pulled up the image of you and your brother watching TV and laughing at Matt Smith's hilariousness. He sighs.

Thor comes over and wraps one muscly arm around Loki. "Come brother. Forgot her. We will go eat some roast beef. You love roast beef, remember? Then, maybe you can bookify me or something that you like."

Loki knew Thor was trying his best to cheer him up, especially by him offering to be bookified. Loki knew that Thor hated books. But Thor's methods did not work as well as he hoped.

"Yeah. Bookify." Loki said quietly, still looking at the image. Thor tugged lightly at Loki, with a look of concern. Loki hesitated for a moment before reluctantly going along with his brother. Frigga took one sad look at her two sons, then back at the image, before waving it away and heading to her chambers.
Authors note: I MADE MY DEADLINE! And I successfully managed to say both David Tennant and Matt Smith. I wish I could have done Christopher Eccleston. One more chapter which is the epilogue. Then its done. Give me one week for the last chapter. :)

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