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Loki was still squirming in Thor's arms. He pounded Thor's back and protested loudly. Thor finally put him down.

"You must be kidding me." You say in awe. Asgard was golden. Literally golden. The buildings were made of solid gold. The sky was clear and blue, a sun shining in the middle.

Sif laughed. "Brilliant, is it not?"

You continue to stare. Loki looked uneasy. Together, the four of you walk down the rainbow bridge and enter the palace. Sif leads the rest of you to the same room they were in last time. The scene was exactly the same. Laufey and Odin with their gangs in the exact same positions.

Odin beamed at Thor but lost his smile when he saw Loki. "Ah good. The prince has decided to grace us with his presence." He said mockingly.

Loki turned around to walk back out the door but Sif and Thor blocked him. They spun him around so he faced Odin and Laufey.

"What do you want?" Loki said irritably. Laufey cleared his throat.

"If I may, I do believe that your Asgardians have failed to give us their half of the bargain. They refused to let us restore Jotunheim with the use of the Casket."

Loki turned to Odin. "Well, My King? What are you gonna do?"

Odin glared. "If you must know, we cannot let the Casket fall into the Jotuns hands and Asgardians cannot use its power without freezing. There for we must renegotiate the treaty."

"Uh, hello? Here I am! I can use the Casket without turning into a Popsicle." Loki said.

"I just said we cannot let the Casket fall into Jotun hands." Odin said. Laufey growled. Thor gasped.

Loki winced. "So I am nothing but a monstrous Jotun now? I am not your son? The prince of Asgard? The god of mischief? I am none of that now?"

"If I do believe correctly you committed an act of treason, not to mention you attacked your king with a dagger."

You suddenly get very angry. "Well maybe he attacked you because he has a jerk for a father. Who the heck tells their kid he's a monster, and the son of their greatest enemy, after giving him a life of being overshadowed by his brother? Not to mention the little twat you were as you always favored Thor, no matter how thickheaded or arrogant he was. Loki spent his life trying to please you and you don't care! You deserve much more that a stabbed arm."

"Who are you, foul wench, to question the King of Asgard? You dare question one as powerful as me, especially you who are nothing but a weak woman?" He spat.

Loki started turning a pale shade of blue. His eyes narrowed in fury. "She is my girlfriend, and you will not speak to her like that."

Odin placed his hands firmly on his hips. "A woman is still in no place to speak to a man like that."

Laufey spoke up. "Um, sexist much? In  Jotunheim we have gender equality."

"Silence Laufey!" Odin belted.

"Darling, I actually like the idea of gender equality." Frigga piped up. Odin roared in anger.

"My King, " Sif had casually drawn out her sword and was memorize tossing it in her hand. "I do believe Laufey and Frigga are correct."


The room went silent. The warriors three had slowly began to scoot over towards you, Thor Sif and Loki. Odin stood by himself as Frigga made her way over to Loki. She embraced him properly, giving him a hug and some kisses on the cheek.

Laufey smirked. "Odin, it seems that your gang has deserted you. Maybe it is possible that the Allfather has made a mistake?"

Odin was steaming. "We are here to discuss a new peace treaty. Not Loki. Not sexism. Not anything but the peace treaty."

You, being incredibly sarcastic, have the nerve to sass the king of a great and powerful kingdom. "Do you really want to discuss the peace treaty or are you just scared that your kingdom will turn on you once they find out what you did to your son?"

"Oh they won't care about me. They never liked me. It was Thor they loved." Loki said.

Odin seemed not to hear him, but stares at you with fierce eyes. "You have crossed the line. Do not cross me." He thrusted out his hand and a ball of golden light shot out.

The light raced towards you. It was about to strike you but Loki leaped in front of you, taking the shot square in the chest. He staggers back then looks at Odin with such fury, such rage, such absolute power and let's out a cry that shakes the foundation of the very floor.

"Never. Touch. Her. " he said. His skin turned full Jotun blue and his eyes went ruby red. Small horns started sprouting from his head. He snarled and lunged at Odin. He grabbed Odin's arm, and it began to bring from the extreme cold. Odin yelled in pain

Ridges started to form over Loki's forehead, running down his body as the marks of a Jotun. His horns were fully grown and a ring of ice had began to acummulate around them. People rushed forward, only to find the insoide of the ring was so cold, no one could bare to come anywhere close to Loki or Odin.

A gray patch of skin had slowly spread up Odin's arm as he cried out in pain. Loki squeezed his hand tighter. "Revenge. Revenge for every moment of pain you put me through. Imagine going through this every singles day by fifty times worse. I will make you feel my pain."

He was going to kill him. You call out desperately. "Loki, please stop this!"

Loki heard you and let go. He seemed to snap out of the murderous Jotun state, though his horns and skin and eyes stayed the same.

Odin fell back shivering. Frigga and Sif rushed forwards to help him. The Warriors Three stood to protect him. Thor grabbed Loki to make sure he was okay. Laufey stood in the corner laughing silently. "That's my boy".

Loki struggled out of Thor's embracing arms. He caught sight of his reflection and gasped. He silently looked at his hands in horror then reached up and felt his horns. 

" I'm a monster " he said quietly before turning around and running out the door, out the palace and into the woods.

Authors note: Hopefully this chapter was good. I think I got a bit off topic with the sexism thing. Whoops. Next chapter by Saturday. (Most likely sooner)

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