You're Blue

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"You're blue" Sif repeated.

"It's not going away" Loki whimpered.

"You're blue." Sif said yet again.

"Yes Sif I think we have established that." Fandral says.

Frigga left Odin, who was still shivering. She went over to Loki and reached out to touch his face. Before she could Sif cried out, "Your Majesty! Don't touch him! If you make any contact with his skin, you will get frost burns."

Frigga stopped a few inches away from Loki's face. She gazed,softly at his eyes and sighed.

"But we touched him, Thor and I, when we brought him back from the forest." You say.

"No, you touched his clothes. But not his actual skin." Sif says. "As long as he is blue, its not safe to touch him"

"Then how do I get un-blue?" Loki asks sounding a bit scared. Sif shrugged. Loki turned around to Laufey who was lounging in the corner.

He ran over to his birth father. "YOU. TELL ME HOW TO UNBLUE MYSELF!"

Laufey grumbled "I have no idea."


"You were born a bit differently than other Jotuns, don't you think?" Laufey said angrily.

Loki staggered back, weak from the excitement. He pressed himself against a wall, causing it to frost over. You go over to him and sit down by his legs. Loki slides down the wall into a sitting position. Thor comes over and sits on Loki's other side.

Loki was panting, he was so incredibly nervous. "What if I don't turn normal? Will I have to live as a monster all my life?"

"It doesn't matter Loki. I will still love you and so will Thor. So will your mother, so will all your friends so will everyone." You say.

"No. They won't. Because I look like a creature from the frozen lagoon." Loki sobbed.

"Tell me a story from your childhood. A funny one, something to make me laugh." You demand suddenly, remembering a story you heard before. A green monster who would change to human if he calmed down.

Loki raised an eyebrow. You put on your best begging face, "please?"

Loki obliges. "One day I awoke to find everyone out of the palace. I wandered for some time calling for Thor, mother, father, Sif, anyone. The servants were gone too. I started to get worried when I heard a struggled 'mmhph' I went over and saw Fandral, tied up and gagged. I ungagged him and he told me that black clothed people had emitted a sleeping gas to everyone in the palace. He said that he wasn't affected because he was wooing a girl in the gardens and I probably wasn't affected because I was in my room and my room is the most secure thing ever. No one has gone into my room except for me."

"Ha! I believe you are wrong there my friend." Fandral laughed, coming over. "I saw Sif sneak in once, the day you were sent to Midgard. She came back a few minutes later with this shocked look on her face."

"Fandral!" Sif snaps. "You promised you wouldn't tell!"

"Sif!" Loki exclaims. "How the heck did you even get in there? There is only one key that-"

"I may or may not have stolen the key from you while we were in Jotunheim..." Sif said.

"Wait, what happened next in the story?" Laufey came over, looking interested. No one paid him much attention.

"What was in his room?" Thor asks.

"You've never been in his room? But you are his brother." Hogun says, Volstagg and him sitting down.

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