The Brothers' Journey

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Authors note: this is a quick chapter in Loki's POV

Loki caught up with Thor as he walked down the rainbow bridge. Loki panted as he skidded to a stop. All that time in Midgard had really hit him hard in terms of exercise.

"Brother? Are you okay?" Loki asked Thor, who was being uncharacteristically quiet. In this type of situation, thor would be the one to boast upon how they would make it out alive.

"Muspelheim is suicide for a Jotun. I know that enough. Why did you take this way of death instead of beheading?" Thor asked.

"Oh Thor, we have done the impossible. We have battled countless things, survived many situations, and experienced things that would make others quake in our shadows." Loki said confidentially, though he honestly felt scared like a child in the dark. "We are going to make it out of this alive."

Thor had his doubt's but wisely kept shut. The two brothers entered the Bifrost with low hopes. Heimdall, the gatekeeper, stood watch over the vast skies. He turned towards them, a single tear dripping down his face. Heimdall never cries, not ever.

"My princes." He greeted them curtly. He held out his arm. "Thor, you shall not be allowed to have your hammer in exile."

Thor grumbled, hesitantly giving Mjolnir to the golden eyed man. "Heimdall? Tell us, where is the portal out of Muspelheim?"

Heimdall paused for a moment. "You will appear on the eastern end of the planet. You must immediately turn to your left. Then continue west until you see a large circle, made of illuminate white rock. That's the portal. But be warned, the farther west you get, the warmer it becomes."

Loki nodded. "Thank you, gatekeeper."

Heimdall nodded and grasped the staff which controlled the Bifrost. "Are you ready?"

Thor looked at Loki, who nodded. "Yes."

Heimdall nodded. "Good bye, my kings. Good luck."

As Heimdall turned the contraption, Loki couldn't help but think about what Heimdall said. He had called them kings. Both of them.

There was a flash and a bang and suddenly, a hot wave of heat struck the two brothers. They were in a blistering hot terrain, with red lava coals for ground. Hot whisps of smoke blew around them. The temperature was about 120° ((Fahrenheit)) and scorched Loki's skin. Thor didn't seem as hot, but still, was sweating after a few minutes.

"This isn't too bad." Thor said. He shouted at the sky. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?"

An eruption came. There were smoke geysers and volcanic spews of lava all over. Loki glared at Thor and lightly slapped his arm. "You just had to ask?"

Thor and Loki took off running west, desperately trying to escape to horrid blasts of fire. Lava burst in random locations and times, scorching the very flesh of their skin. The two brothers ran hard and fast, but not fast enough. A geyser erupted and burned Thor's back.

"AAARGH" He moaned. Loki stopped running and turned to him. Thor's back was red and blistering. Using a quick spell, Loki healed Thor. Unfortunately, there was a geyser in front of the two brothers, coating them in hot steam.

Loki grabbed Thor's hand and they began running again. Over high hills made of lava rock and across pools of magma, the two brothers traveled. The treacherous journey cost them various patches of their skin, so much that not even Loki's spells couldn't fix it.

Suddenly, they came to a large cliff. Leading down was a steep drop, one that would take careful maneuvering to get down without causing a rock avalanche. The risk was high, but there was no other way to escape the treacherous fire blasts.

"Come on. Be careful, we can't have an avalanche upon us." Loki said as he and his brother started to climb down.

They were about halfway down when Thor heard a crack. He called for Loki to stop and they both listened. Another eruption had caused a flow of lava to spill over the edge of the cliff. Loki gasped. If they didn't pick up the pace, they would get burned!

"Quick! Slide!" Loki yelled. Thor looked at him in shock.

"But the avalanche?" Thor asked.

"We'll have to risk it." Loki said. Thor nodded and they both dropped on their butts and started sliding down the hard rock. The lava was running fast, but the two men slid faster. They skidded to a stop at the base of cliff and took off running again.

Loki's butt was sore and so was Thor's. They were losing energy fast and they were chased by the fiery lava. Smoke clouded around Loki, thick and smoggy. He coughed. "Thor?"

No reply. He looked around, panicked. "Thor. Thor? Thor! Thor?! THOR?!?!? THORRRRRRR!!!!!"

No one answered. Loki cried out, desperately, for his brother but no reply rang out. Loki sobbed. No, no, no!

Then a voice called out, one that Loki knew well. He turned, tears in his eyes, to find the one person who he thought he would never see again.

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