The Search

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"Did you find him?" You say anxiously when everyone had returned. Thor, Sif, Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg had all gone into the woods in search of Loki. Frigga had stayed with you to care for Odin. Laufey was sitting near you, looking pretty annoyed.

Nobody had any luck. It was like Loki had disappeared. Laufey grumbled, "I came for a peace treaty. Is that really so much to ask?"

"Well maybe you could help find Loki instead of sitting on your lazy blue butt!" You snap.

Laufey muttered a few choice words. You stand up and wall over to Odin. You crouch down and slap him one across the face. "This is your fault."

Frigga placed her hands in her lap. "Now, dearest, please calm down. Come here."

You walk over to Thor, who was organizing the searches. "I am going to go look for him." Thor nods.

You slip on the green cloak that Frigga gave you and head out the door. You walk into the forest, hopes high and set off looking.

"LOKI!!!!" You yell loudly. You have trekked over a few miles of forest and found nothing. "Please, Loki come out!"

"________" you hear a deep voice call out. Your turn quickly, and much to your dissapointment, you find Thor. "Milady, we must return, it is getting late."

Your eyes start to tear up. You failed to find your beloved. A tear dripped down your cheek. Thor quietly led you away, back to the palace. As you head back, you hear a sort of rough, ragged, panicked breathing. You break away from Thor and rush into a small clearing.

There was a pond in the center, shining bright, blue and clear. Sitting st the end, staring into the water was Loki. When he notices you, Loki covers his face in shame. You run over, Thor close behind and yank his arms off his face.

"Don't look at me." Loki begged. You cup your hands around his face and stare into his eyes. Even if they were blood red, they were beautiful. Loki wailed, "its not going away! The blue skin, the eyes, the horns they won't go away! Will I be like this forever?"

Thor stroked Loki's hair. "Hey, look on the bright side. You won't have to wear your ugly helmet now."

Loki let out another wail. Thor hesitated. "OK, maybe not the best thing to say at the moment."

"Ya think?" You say. Thor heaved Loki onto his feet.

"Thor, help me! Make it go away! Please." Loki was furiously rubbing his skin, trying to get the blue off.

"I-i don't know how!" Thor exclaimed.

Loki whimpered. "You're my big brother, you're supposed to know how!"

You start pulling Loki in the direction of the palace. "Come on Loki, maybe your mother can magicky the Jotun out of you."

"NO!" Loki screamed. "I CAN'T LET THEM SEE ME LIKE THIS!"

"Loki, they kinda already saw you like this. Now let's go!" You say persistently. Loki shakes his head.

"I am a monster. I don't deserve-"

"OKAY THATS IT, YOU ARE COMING TO THE PALACE NOW!" You yell, grabbing his legs. Thor bear hugged his arms and lifted him sideways. Together, you carried the struggling Loki to the palace.

Thor kicks down the door and tosses Loki on the floor. He shakily stands and looks at the door. Hogun was blocking his exit. There was nowhere to run. Loki looked around the room, staring at each person individually. Then came the words everyone was thinking.

"You're blue."

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