The Pepperoni Pizza

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"Thank you, come again!" An Italian voice call out as you exit the pizzeria. The aroma of the freshly made pepperoni pizza drifts out of the box and makes your mouth water. Tonight was Friday and it was going to be all about you. A complete night of eating, sleeping, and watching Netflix without any disruptions. Bliss at last, you think as you turn around the block. And then, FLASH!

A golden light strikes right in front of you, making you jump back. Standing in the exact spot of the flash was a man. This man was tall, skinny, with black hair, green eyes, and pale skin. He wore strange looking clothes, a green, almost armor sort of looking thing. The man's eyes widened and he looked to the sky frantically.


You walk over suspiciouly. "Erm, excuse me sir, who are you yelling at? There is no one up there."

The man looks at you with an annoyed expression. "Oh great. A Midgardian. Well, if you must know, I am shouting at my father, Odin. He banished me here, to this pathetic planet and I need to get back."

"Back to where? What was that flash of light? What is a Midgardian? AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN, PATHETIC?!?"

The man sighs and sits down on the concrete against a wall. "Well, I might as well tell you. I have nothing better to do. I am Loki Odinson, hailing from the great realm of Asgard. My father, Odin, is the king of Asgard. Yes, I am a prince. I did something that could be considered...wrong. So, Odin banished me to this planet, called Midgard, as a punishment. You are from Midgard, I am presuming, therefore, you are a Midgardian. And I mean pathetic because you are so, puny. Compared to Asgard, you are but ants. So, here I am , no money, no food, no place to go. The End."

"Asgard?" You are starting to think this man is insane. "If you must know, I am well educated in mythology, and according to Norse legend, Asgard is the home of the gods."

"Thats me", the man says looking a bit worn out. "Loki, the 'god' of mischief and lies. The trickster." He said this putting air quotes aroung the word "god".

"Whats wrong? Why do you look so irritated?" You ask.

"Oh, you know. Just tired of being known as an evil lying trickster." Loki closed his eyes and pressed his long fingers against his head.

"Oh" You looked around, not sure what to do. "I am really sorry. Would you like me to call a hospital?"

"What?" Loki looks up at you in confusion. "Why in the nine realms would I need a hospital?"

"Sir, I think you need to see a doctor. Asgard doesn't exsist. Loki is a myth. So is Odin."

"You think I am crazy, don't you?" Loki seemed saddened by this, as if he actually thought you would believe him.

"I am sorry, but yeah, I do. Next thing you know, you will be talking about your nephew, the great and powerful, Thor who wields the mighty Mjolner." You start to reach for your cellphone.


"Well, yeah. According to myth-" You begin before Loki cuts you off.

"According to myth, I am an ice giant, Laufey is a girl-and my mother at that too-,I give birth to an eight legged horse, and I am a ginger. Your myths twist every little story around." Loki chuckled.

"So you think you are a god?" You ask.

"Well, an Asgardian. We live for about 5000 years, then die. But you Midgardians refer to us as gods so..." Loki notices the look of disbelief in your eyes. "So you wish for me to prove it? Very well."

Loki stood up and spread his hands. His hands truned bright gold and expelled a golden burst of sparks up into the air. The sparks flew into the sky and exploded into golden shimmers which slowly faded away into the air. Loki sat back down as you stare at him with wonder.

"Thats amazing." You say in awe.

"Believe me now?" Loki asked with a hint of amusement.

"I guess so" You say. You look at your phone to check the time." HOLY COW LOOK AT THE TIME!"

Loki looked a bit dissapointed. "Oh. I guess you should get going then."

You turn to leave but pause. You turn back towards Loki. He raises an eyebrow. "You're scared, aren't you?"

Loki's expression is priceless. "SCARED? YOU THINK THE GREAT GOD OF MISCHIEF IS SCARED?!?"

"Its okay. You don't need to be afraid. The Midgardians won't hurt you."

"HA! Midgardians are not to be feared. Having no food, shelter, or any kind of plan of survival, on the other hand..."

"So, you are scared." You crouch down in front of him and stare into his shimmering emerald green eyes.

Loki stares back, as though he was peeking through your soul. After a long time he blinks and says, "I guess I am."

You smile. "Then, may I offer you my assistance, oh great god of mischief?"

Loki sighs, "Well, I have nothing else planned." He grins. "I accept your most gracious offer." He stands. "How can you help me, Lady...What is your name?"

"I am _______. Please don't call me 'Lady' or anything like that. Just _____ is good. And you can stay with me. As long as you don't like, kill me or anything."

"Kill you? Why on Midgard would I do something like that?" Loki grins. "What is that smell? It is rich and hearty, like meat, but also salty and cheesy....with a hint of bread."

"It is the Midgardian magic of: PEPPERONI PIZZA!" You say dramatically. You grab Loki's hand and start dargging him off in the direction of your apartment. "I will may just allow you to eat some, if I feel generous."

"If I am correct, in Midgard terms, it is Friday night. What are you going to do?" Loki asks walking along side you.

"Pardon?" You ask.

"In every story on based in Midgard, the characters always do something special on Friday night to celebrate the end of the working period called 'weekdays'. Is this truth or fiction?"

You laugh. "Well, I suppose its truth. Today I was planning on eating this pizza, watching Netflix, and sleeping. A day of bliss."

Loki looks lost. "Netflix?"

"You probably never heard of it-wait. That means you know nothing about Sherlock and Doctor Who and Supernatural!" You say excited. Loki notices and looks a tad nervous.

"Erm, no. But I have read the stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, been visited by the supernatural multiple time, and once, I think this strange man called the Doctor and his female companion came to Asgard for a picnic."


Loki had stopped walking and stared at you with large eyes. "......"

"You know what, I am going to rewatch every episode of my favortie Netflix shows with you." Loki opened his mouth to protest. Before he could say anything you add, "And you can have some pizza."

Loki shut his mouth and together, you two walk to your apartment carrying the pizza.


Author's Note: YAY! I finally got off of Netflix and did something productive. Be warned, in this fanfic, I will make a bunch of references to other fandoms, so yeah. Let me know in the comments if you like it, or have any improvments for me :) Next chapter coming soon :D

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