I Love You

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Authors note: I was seriously considering more procrastinating and holding off this chapter until Saturday morning, but then I saw this picture (the one above) and yeah.

"That little twat." Loki said angrily, referring to Odin, after you had explained what happened. "Oh, _________ why would you volunteer for something as dangerous as this?"

You clutch Loki's hand tightly. "I couldn't live without you. Not after seeing all this wonderful magical stuff."

Loki sighed. An eruption erupted close by and Loki started pulling you in the western direction. "Come on. Now we are going to reach that portal, no matter what it takes."

You and Loki take off sprinting, though Loki had to slow his pace a bit to match yours. Unfortunately, you were never the most athletic in P.E. Lava trails snaked around, creating obstacles which made running even harder. Soon, you were both sweaty and panting. Very attractive.

You manage to make it about a mile before calling to Loki to stop. Loki skidded to a halt, not looking tired at all. He steadied you and bent down to look into your eyes, inspecting them trying to see what's wrong.

"I'm tired. Very tired and hot." You gasp. The air was suffocating you. Loki may not look tired, but you could tell the heat was choking him, slowly draining his energy.

Loki looked at you for a moment before lifting you into his strong arms. You mumble, trying to escape his arms, protesting that fdoin this will only result in loss of energy. Loki ignored you.

You, to be honest, were quite terrified. Muspelheim was a scary place. A half mile later, Loki stops for a break. He was looking really tired now, his entire face coated in shiny sweat.

"Noooo I told you this would happen!" You say leaping out of Loki's arms quickly. Loki nearly collapsed from relief.

"Give me one minute. Then we have to get going." Loki said breathing heavily. You shake your head.

"You need rest." You say sternly.

"Darling, we have to escape this fiery hell. No rest until we do that. Otherwise we will burn." Loki says impatiently.

You roll your eyes. "Fine. You ready to go?" Loki nods, and starts jogging. You easily match his slowed down pace. Another mile goes on, so you are tired and Loki is plain exhausted.

Suddenly Loki cheers up. He smiles and laughs and points to a space only a few yards away. "Look!"

You look at what he is pointing at. A large glowing white platform stood out among the clouds of smoke and ash. You and Loki take one look at each other before both taking off, running at top speed. Loki reaches the portal first, though you aren't far behind.

You and Loki jump onto the platform with eagerness. You made it. You were going to live a long happy life with Loki. And Loki was going to see his family again! As your feet touch the bottom of the platform, you close your eyes, waiting to feel the sensation you felt before when you traveled in the Bifrost.

Nothing. Not one thing signaled you were going anywhere. You open your eyes, confused. Loki is staring with horror at the portal.

"Take us to Asgard. Go on! Do it!" He urged. The portal did not respond. Loki looked to the sky. "Heimdall?"

The golden eyed gatekeeper gave no signal of response. Loki fell to his knees and started muttering ancient enchantment spell, trying in vain to make the portal work. Nothing.

"Are meaning to tell me that you came onto Muspelheim with the intentions of leaving, but you didn't bother to find out how the exit works?" You say angrily annoyed.

"I never expected to make it this far! If you hadn't gone off making rash decisions like volunteering for death, this would not be such an issue!" Loki said.

"It wouldn't be such an issue? You mean you value my life more than yours? You love me that much?" You say quietly.

Loki's eyes soften. "Of course I do. You are the best thing that ever happened to me."

Your lip starts quivering. Lava had begun to pool around the bottom of the platform. Soon, it would rise over and the two of you would get burned. Loki hugs you. "Oh, darling this is all my fault."

He craddles you in his arms. He continues, "Now you will never see your brother again. Never eat pizza. Never experience the satisfaction of season four of Sherlock."

You snort. "Yes Loki. That's what I am sad about. Missing season four of a TV show."

Loki squeezes you tighter. The lava was almost at the edge of the platform. It was almost over. You could hear gurgling coming from the lava, signaling an eruption. Fear washes over you when you realize the gurgling was coming from all sides of you. There was going to be an eruption all around you.

You look into Loki's sad eyes. "I love you."

Loki smiles sadly. "I love you too, my darling."

And with that, you two lock lips and start kissing as a fiery eruption takes place and engulfs both of you in searing hot waves of flame.

Authors note: The next chapter was originally planned to be the epilogue, where Odin and Laufey stand side by side looking out into courtyard where Thor and Frigga kneeling, crying, at Loki's and yours graves. But after careful consideration of both your comments and my own thoughts, I realized that killing you two would make me very sad. So, there will be two more chapters, one normal one and the epilogue. Your welcome :) Next update by next Friday, I hope

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