Return of Barbie

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There was no time. No time to hide Loki, no time to hide yourself, Thor didn't even give you enough time to even answer the door. After the last knock, he just smashed the door in. Splinters of wood sprayed across the floor. You jump up, scared  to face the wrath of Thor. Loki was in no better state.

His eyes went wide and full of fear. He went on his back and tried to crawl away. Thor barged into the room. He shoves you aside and places his hammer on top of you. You try to remove it but it was too heavy. As Thor approached Loki, you forgot about everything else, all you are doing is fearing for Loki's life.

Loki had crawled into the corner, being as there was nowhere else to go. Thor loomed over him on a menacing stance. Loki was quivering, literally shaking in fear. Tears were still rush in down his face as Loki stared in complete and utter terror of his brother's presence.

Thor looked down at Loki. You can't see his expression, only the way he stood seemed like a battle position. Loki's face had turned pale, paler than normal so to speak. His eyes were red from the tears which were still coming fast. You could tell how afraid of Thor he was since his body was shaking quite badly and his breath was so loud you could hear it from where you lay under the weight of the hammer.

Thor clentched his fists. Then it happened.  He crouched down and wrapped Loki in his strong sturdy arms. Loki was still shaking, though his face showed more confusion than fear.

"My brother, I am so sorry. I didn't find out until now, I would have come so much sooner. Please forgive me." Thor said looking at Loki with concern in his eyes.

"Your sorry?" Loki asked incredulously. "I ruined your coronation, lied about it a-a-and your sorry?!?"

Thor hugged Loki close. "I was mad Loki. I really was. But after I heard what happened, I couldn't blame you. Oh Loki, why didn't you tell anyone how you felt? I could have done something!"

Loki closed his eyes and leaned into Thor's chest. "I guess I thought you would make fun of me. Feelings aren't for warriors. They just make you weak, right?"

Thor hugged Loki even tighter. "No, no, no. Feelings are what makes great warriors. Oh Loki, from now on I promise to never let anything or anyone hurt you ever again."

"Thor? Could you please take Mjolner off of ________? I need to apologize to her." Thor let go of Loki and held out his hand. The hammer flew of your chest. You walk over to Loki and sit down. SMACK!


Loki looked at you for a moment. Then he grabs you close and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his body and live in the kiss. It felt amazing, Loki's soft lips pressed against your face. Loki runs his fingers through your hair and breathes you in. After a long time, an amazing time mind you, Loki pulled away.

Thor was staring at you two. "Er...would you like me to leave?"

Loki smiled. Actually smiled, a real, happy, joyous smile. For the first time in a long time, Loki was truly happy. He blushed a bit, "Um, this may seem a but random, but, can we watch Sherlock with Thor? He has never seen it and...?"

You hug him and laugh. "And so the Great Depression ends. Of course we can. Come on Thor, tonight we will watch three seasons of the great and sassy Benedict Cumberbatch." 

Thor looks a bit confused but heads over to the couch. You look at Loki.

"You sure your okay? What's with the sudden change of mood?" You ask.

"I realized its okay. Everything is okay, because I have Thor and I have you. I never truly appreciated having you, but now m do. Thank you so much for everything. And I am so sorry about the gun. I just...I wanted the pain to end so badly, I didn't think about everyone else. I thought... Well, I thought you would be better off without me."

You smile. Loki did care. You help him off the floor and sat with him on the couch. Thor sat on the end seat. Loki sat down next to him and put all his weight on his brother. You sit down next to Loki and pout all yourweight on him. Thor grunted, having the weight of two people put on him.

You turn on Netflix and lean back. The first episode of Sherlock began.

Nine episodes later, Thor arose quickly from the couch, causing Loki and you to fall to one side. "This Sherlock, I like it. ANOTHER!!!" Thor demanded.

"Eheheheheheh sorry brother. ________ told me the next episode doesn't come out until 2016. That's two years." Loki said.

Thor looked heartbroken. You pat his arm. "Hey, its okay, Barbie. There are other shows to watch while we wait."

Loki looks at Thor. "You said that you didn't find out until now. What did that mean?"

Thor is taken aback by the randomness. "Well, you see, I was told by everyone who attended the meeting that you came in and negotiated the treaty then left. And I believed it. Then, one day, I noticed how Sif looked at Odin, with something like disgust, or mistrust. I asked her and Odin butted in and said nothing. I didnt trust him at the moment so I turned to Sif. She told me everything."

Loki narrowed his eyes. "Then how are you supposed to get back to Asgard? I highly doubt Father would be happy to see you."

Thor blushed, He turned to you. "I was wondering, if it doesn't protrude on your hospitality, if you would permit me to stay with my brother for some time?"

You grin. "Course you can. Go on to Loki's room and get comfortable." Thor came over, hugged you, then bounded off to the room.

You turn to Loki. "Now tell me the real reason you are cheering up so suddenly."

Loki gaped at you. "Never has someone caught my lies so quickly. I am impressed. And a bit scared. To be honest, well, I am happy because..." He sighed. "You are going to laugh when you hear it."

You stare at him. Loki gave in. "I am not so sad because Thor is here, okay? He is here now so  everything will be okay. He will make it okay, that's what he always does. Thor makes it all right."

You burst out laughing. "You are telling me that you are getting out of your depression just because your big brother is here? The big brother that you are deathly afraid of? It sounds to me more like desperation."

Loki glared. "He is going to help me. And if I remember correctly, when I held a gun to my head, you did nothing to stop me."

"Hey. I was frozen in fear and shock that you would go as far as putting a gun to your head." You say defensibly.

"I didn't want to die, I just wanted the pain and guilt to go away. I didn't want to die..." Loki trailed off.

"Aw, its okay. I have got you." You start kissing Loki. He closes his eyes and kisses you back. When you separate, Loki heads to his room.

"Thank you ________. I love you." He closed the door, leaving you sitting on the floor smiling like an idiot. Thank God for Barbie. You chuckle as you a pull yourself up and go to your room.


Authors note: Hopefully this chapter cleared up a lot of loose ends that came from the last chapter. Sorry for the confusion. Next update will be around, I dunno maybe Saturday?

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