My Fault

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It was Thor's coronation and I was not happy. My brother, strong and loving as he may be, Thor was incredibly stupid and could not make a good decision if he watched a YouTube tutorial. If he were king, then Asgard would be in ruins by the time the rooster crows. Also.... Well, I was jealous. Father must have known I was the better choice, I know how to make logical choices based of both my brain and my heart. The citizens of Asgard need a king like that. So, I felt I had to do something.

The day before the ceremony, I went through one of my secret passages, so Heimdall could not detect me. He is the man who supposedly could see everything. And we all saw how accurate that statement was. Anyway, I traveled through the passage leading to Jotunheim. That's the land of the Frost Giants, called Jotuns. In Asgard we were trained to hate them. They are evil, vile, monsters. There was a war between Asgard and Jotunheim. Father led the Asgardians to victory, driving away the horrendous beads back to their icy home. Father also took their Casket of Eternal Winters so they could not return. The only item of power they had was taken from them. I felt I could use that to my advantage.

I approached the throne of the Laufey with butterflies in my stomach. He was the king of the Jotuns, the one who stabbed my father's right eye out forcing it to be covered with a golden eye patch. He was a funny looking thing, tall and bone thin. The only thing Laufey wore was a thin, short, loincloth around his waist. You could literally see every bone in his wretched body. Now, I understand I am not the most muscly, but really, his ribs stuck out like crazy.

Laufey did not command his warriors to kill me, meaning he was interested in what I had to say. I hesitated for I had to think about what I was about to do. My family, my kingdom, my planet, all that I was about to betray. And why? Because I couldn't stand the thought that Thor would be king instead of me.

No, I thought to myself. I was doing Asgard a huge favor. If I let Thor rule as king, he will get he and others killed so utterly quickly. This is the right thing, I tried to tell myself. I was wrong and I have never regretted anything more than that.

"Well, sonofOdin, " Laufey said almost mockingly. "Why have you decided to grace us with your presence?"

This was it. This was the deciding moment. What should I do? Then, my envy got the best of me. The worst mistake of my life, letting jealousy control that one particular moment. And I said "I can help you retrieve the Casket."

Laufey raised his incredibly thin eyebrow. "And why would the mighty prince do that?" He asked suspiciously.

"Because...its complicated." I said reluctantly. Laufey made himself comfortable in his throne and leaned forward on his elbows.

"Go ahead. I am not going anywhere, and neither are you until you tell me your motives." Laufey's ice warriors moved behind me to block my path to the passage.

I had no choice so I told him. Everything. How I was always alone and everyone favored my brother, etc. When I finished, Laufey looked amused. "So, what you are telling me, is that you are completely driven by your outrageous jealousy caused by the fact that you cannot live up to your bigger, stronger and more attractive brother, but you are trying to convince yourself that you are doing the right thing to keep your guilt level low."

I stared at him "..."

Laufey laughed. "How will you accomplish this, Asgardian?" Again using the term Asgardian like an insult.

I stared at him a bit more, confused.

Laufey sighed. "The Casket. How will you return the Casket back to us?"

"Oh." I had already thought of this. I would not actually let the Jotuns take the Casket. That would be too far, even for me. "You see, me myself cannot steal the Casket without exposing everything. I am to be at the coronation alongside the rest of the Asgardian population. You on the other hand, are not expected to be there. Send a few warriors, two at the most, to retrieve it."

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