Chapter 19

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"General Kenobi sir, we just got a location for the sith Darth Maul."

"Where is he?" Obi Wan asked immediately, turning to look at the clone trooper who spoke.

"He's overtaken Mandalor sir."

"What do you mean overtaken?"

"I mean that the duchess is no longer in power as Maul has taken her place based on the reports coming in. He was aided by Death Watch in taking over." Even though he no longer loved her as he once did, he still felt incredible worry and sorrow for the fate of Satine and his worry was nearly overwhelming as he phoned the information into the council. Cody stood by his fiance the whole while, silently trying to comfort him in small ways or just by being there with him.

"They won't do anything..." Obi Wan said, sounding more defeated than Cody had ever heard him once the council ended their meeting, deciding against saving the Duchess and facing Maul.

"Obi..." Cody began, but he didn't know what he could say to comfort him. He'd only ever loved Obi Wan so he had no idea what if felt like to love someone in the way he had with Satine.

"I have to try and save her. I can go there by myself and find her. Maul wants me so I just have to be careful to not be seen." Obi Wan muttered quietly while Cody watched him. Obi Wan finally stopped and looked at Cody as if remembering he was still standing there. "Cody-"

"Go do what you need to do, I may not understand fully what it's like, but if it were you imprisoned I'd do anything to save you, so I understand that. I know you love me now, but there are some things you can't forget or ignore, so go save her." Obi Wan smiled and pulled the clone into a soft kiss before heading towards the door and leaving the room. "Be safe." Cody whispered to the jedi even though he was already gone.


Cody stood pacing the deck of one of the hanger bays. He was worried, no news had come in from Obi Wan and he didn't know what was happening down on Mandalor or if his lover was even still alive. A few of the men in his legion by now knew of his and their general's relationship and they waited with Cody, trying to support their Commander with words of how they were certain Obi Wan was fine. They all stopped and looked up at the sounds of engines as a ship came in to land.

Cody watched with bated breath as Obi Wan walked off of the ship in Mandalorian armor looking horrible, but he was alive. Cody hurried over to him and was surprised when the jedi pulled him close and wrapped his arms around him tightly. Cody wrapped his arms around him and instantly knew something was wrong. He didn't ask. He knew Obi Wan would talk when he was ready.

"She's dead." Obi Wan finally admitted after a while and Cody hugged him tighter in response. "He killed her right in front of me. She died in my arms."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"The worst part is, there was a small part of me that was so glad it wasn't you there in her place."

"You won't ever lose me like that, I promise." Obi Wan nodded as Cody lead him off to their room. Cody spent the night comforting Obi Wan over the death of his former love, which only made Obi Wan realize just how much more he loved Cody. 

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