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Taissa's P.O.V.

"Taissa! Are you okay?" Evan runs over to me.

I remember the first time I came here. I was overwhelmed with emotions. But I was also very observant. I noticed a box hidden under his couch. In it, I assumed, was a gun. The box was supposed to blend in but I spotted it because Danielle had the same one in her house. Before I entered his apartment I heard arguing. Evan isn't the type to bring friends over anyways so I became suspicious. I slowly walked in and noticed someone pointing a gun at Evan. I knew what I had to do.

"Wha-where did you get that?!" He asked frantically.

"I knew you hid it. I had to save you. This guy is crazy."

"Taissa! You could've gotten hurt!" He says while grabbing my face and kissing me passionately. "How did you learn to shot like that?!"

"I took classes. I've been protecting myself since I moved here. But we should really call the police now. He won't be knocked out for long."

After the ambulance takes Rich on the stretcher, Evan and I get questioned. We gave our statements and then went to pick up his car. We unpack my things in his place and he calls a company to install an alarm system.

We still have to work another three weeks but we're both anxious to move. Evan calls Ben to see what he can do. I realize I still haven't given my two weeks. I nudge Evan while he's on hold and remind him. He tells Ben and he assures Evan he will take care of it. He books us a flight that leaves in three days.

He picks me up and spins me around. "We're going to London!"

We order sushi and just lay in bed together, taking in our young but sweet love.

~next day~

Evan and I go in to work to meet with Ben about some basic information.

"I'm glad to see you two are together. I knew you had a connection when I met with you." He playfully winks. I blush as Evan squeezes my knee. "Okay so we've paid for the flight and three weeks at the Dorchester, a terrace suite." I mentally gasped. That must cost a fortune, but Evan just nods as if Ben was giving us five dollars. "We bought you a Tesla and are giving you a company credit card for gas, meals, and such." This is the dream job! "And Taissa, I spoke with your boss. You've already worked your last day. However, if you'd like, we can get you a position at the same place as Evan."

"Thank you, Ben, but I will be going to school, so for now I will focus on that." I smiled.

"Well, thank you both for your cooperation. I wish you the best of luck in London." He shakes Evans hand and smiles warmly at me.

Once we're out of the building Evan kisses and hugs me. "We need to get packing, missy!"

We head to Macy's to buy luggage. When we get home I pack all my things, which surprisingly fit in two suit cases. Evan, however, needs five. "Don't worry, Taissa, when we get to London we will buy you new everything!"

I smile at the thought of Evan picking out my clothes. It's very strange to see his place empty. All that is left is the bed, television, and dinning room table. Everything else has been sold, including the apartment. In two days, when we leave, someone else will move in.

Since we're both off we decide to explore New York for the last time. We walk around, since Evan sold his car, and go to a play. Then we go to Central Park and Union Square. We eat at Shake Shack and do some window shopping. After a wonderful day we go home to rest.

"You know, this is our last night to wake up here in the morning." He says tracing his fingers on my thigh.

I give him an interested look and smash my lips into his. His soft lips on mine feels like ecstasy; his lips always taste like cherries. Evan knows how to make me want more. He sucks on my lip switching pressure from rough to gentle. He then moves his lips to my neck, giving me soft kisses at first, but quickly changing to bites and rough sucks. He moves back to my lips and I take my turn exploring his body. I lift his shirt off and he rips mine off right after. I kiss from his neck to above his naval. I lift my head up and look at his toned chest. I admire it for a few seconds, taking in his perfection. I don't know how I got so lucky, I think to myself.

I then continue to kiss his abs and move down to his nonexistent happy trail. I pull his pants down just until his core is about to pop out. He moans a I kiss right above it. I finally remove his pants and boxers, revealing a throbbing penis. I unconsciously gasp and he smirks. After starring for a few seconds, he squirms a bit. I grab it forcefully and put it in my mouth. He moans loudly and I smile. I enjoy pleasuring him so much. I go up and down feeling him grow in my mouth. Then, Evan abruptly swings me on my back.

Evan's P.O.V.

I can't believe my Taissa. I remember when I first laid eyes in her and practically I fell in love. She's so sweet, innocent, and real. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I think that to myself while she's sucking me. I love her wild side. She is so innocent looking but in bed she drives me nuts.

I throw her on the bed and kiss her roughly. I want to be inside her now. I move from her lips to her breasts. After, I make my way to her warmth and slowly remove her panties, feeling her wetness. I dive in, as her moans fill up the room and they drive me to go faster. I insert my tongue inside her and explore. She's dripping wet and so move my lips to her clit and insert a finger. I notice her squirming with her back arched. She continues to moan while pulling my hair. Whenever she yells my name I get harder.

I can't take it anymore; I need to feel the inside of her. I move back to her lips and we kiss passionately. I hover over her and move my middle to hers. I'm about to go in when I whisper in her ear, " I love you"

Before she can respond I thrust into her and waste no time. I pump fast and hard, leaving Taissa moaning and screaming. She scratches my back and I feel marks but I love it. I look into her eyes I see lust but I also see love. She gives me a look, signaling she's close, so I give a few fast thrusts and I feel her contracting around me, causing me to finish.

We lay next to each other panting and smiling. "I love you too, Evan." Finally, we've both said it.

~day they leave~

Taissa and I woke up late but luckily we're already packed and ready to go. We ordered a taxi to pick us up at 6:00am. It's currently 5:30am. I shake her to get up and we panic a bit. Our plane leaves at 8:00am, we're a bit reckless.

"Lets shower together to save time." She says.

I agree and we jump in. I wash her hair and back. She washes my chest and back. We run out and get dressed. We have ten minutes so we check to make sure everything is packed.

"Taissa, I want to give you this." I say holding a set of amethyst earrings.

"Evan! They're are stunning!" She says smiling.

"Almost as beautiful as you." I say handing them to her. As she puts them on I explain the reasoning. "They were my mothers before... before she died." I realized I never told her the story.

"Oh, Evan, are you sure you want me to have them?"

"Yes, you are the most-" The sound of our taxi beeping interrupts me.

We arrive at the airport with only twenty minutes until our flight takes off. We were stuck in bad traffic.

After security we run to the terminal, hand in hand. After we sit and settle in I look at Taissa and smile. I finally found my purpose in life.

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