Don't Wanna Be Torn

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A/N: Hi lovelies! Thank you to everyone who reads my stories :)

Taissa's P.O.V.

~The Night Before~

Vic's lips are so warm but rough. He sucks on my bottom lip and it feels so good. I lose myself in his kisses and forget about Evan, for a while.

Finally, we break away and for a few minutes we're both silent. I'm unsure what to say because I know I still have feelings for Evan but also know Vic is good for me. He is my age, available, sweet, and normal.

Vic breaks the silence, "Taissa, that was....." he breathes out, " amazing. I want to be honest with you, when I saw you the day I moved in I wanted to talk to you but then I saw you with a guy." Then he frowns. "Yo-you're not still with him, are you? Is that who is outside?"

I'm not sure what to say... I did lie to him about who Evan is, sort of.

"Uh, no I'm single and it is a different guy out there."

A big smile forms on his face. "Good. Would you want to go on a date with me? I mean, sometime soon, since, uh, tonight is the concert and all."

"Yeah! That'd be great. I'm super stoked for the concert, too!"

"Well, you've got backstage passes too! So the fun will never end."

"What's your band's name?"

"Pierce The Veil."

I knew he looked familiar! I can't believe I didn't know! Danielle is obsessed with this band. Of course Danielle hasn't been to my place since they got here (about a month). I know a few songs: I don't care if you're contagious, Hell above, and King for a day. WAIT! This means he knows Kellin Quinn! I CAN MEET HIM?!

"Cool! I'll be there.. But can we sleep now?" He chuckles and motions me to his arms.

~Present Time~

I notice Evan is already asleep, so I quietly leave his arms and get dressed. I can't ditch Vic. I get a cab home and run inside. I change into ripped jeans, all black converse, a cropped band t-shirt, tie a plaid shirt around my waist, and grab a small backpack. The venue is a ten-minute walk from me so I don't bother with a cab. I feel bad I didn't say anything to Evan but I'm still freaked out. How can he find all this information on me? He would have to do a lot of research. I wonder what else he knows. He could have a tracking device on me.

I shrug it off and enter the hall. I'm just on time. The concert started early but Vic's band goes on at about seven. I try to push my way to the front, getting dirty looks from fan girls. I can't go any further but I am pretty close. Vic jumps out and everyone cheers. I see him scanning the crowd for me. I left without an explanation with him too. I guess I have a tendency to do that; it's easier than coming up with an excuse.

He starts singing one of the songs I know and I shout along. He's really good. I keep trying to get his attention but he's too focused. Finally, during an acoustic performance, he spots me. He smiles, winks, and waves. The surrounding girls think it's for them and freak out. I just smile back.

Evan's P.O.V.

I wake up but keep my eyes closed. I just woke up from a nightmare. Taissa was pregnant; I only want it to be us two, forever.

I finally open my eyes and roll over, expecting her to still be asleep. To my surprise, she isn't. This worries me I search for her. She's not in the bathrooms, living room, kitchen, or balcony. She left.

I start throwing plates and pictures. SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME.

I text her asking where she went. I wait five minutes and no answer. I call her and it goes to voice mail. I text her one more time.

Me: Are you ok?

I can't stand this. I go out looking for her. Looking for clues as to where she went. I drive by her apartment building and look to her window, lights off.

I go to work to cool down.

Taissa's P.O.V.

After the concert I make my way backstage. I bump into someone and apologize. I look up and see Kellin Quinn!

"No problem girl." he says winking.

"Kellin! You were great out there!"

"Thank you..." he trails off, waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Taissa" I say smiling.

"Lovely. Who gave you the passes, if you don't mind me asking? Usually, they're only given to crewmembers, friends, or significant others. And since you don't work here that must mean you know someone."

I'm about to respond when Vic does instead, "I did. She's my neighbor."

That's it? I frown.

"And a good friend." He winks.

I take out my phone and see two texts and a missed call from Evan. I ignore it. "Can I get a picture of us three? My friend Danielle is obsessed with your bands! She's gonna kill me."

We take a few pictures and then Kellin says something crazy, "What's her number? I'll call her. She won't be so mad at you after that."

I give him her number and say bye. Vic drags me to meet his band. "Ahhh so this is the hot neighbor?" Mike, Vic's brother and drummer, pretends to whisper but knows it's loud enough for me to hear.

I blush and smile. "You guys kicked ass out there!"

We talk for a while. I realize the time, 12:00am, and head out.

I see my apartment building and feel relieved. It's pretty cold out tonight and I'm starving. I'm a few feet from the grass and out of nowhere someone comes behind me an grabs me. I'm being carried and the person covers my mouth. I scream into the person's hand and am being dragged into a car, a very familiar car. "Evan!"

"Taissa, I'm sorry, you just had me worried sick. I thought something happened to you." He says while running his hands down my neck.

"What is wrong with you?! I am clearly fine but yet you decide to scare me."

He doesn't look mad anymore. He looks hungry... for me? He attacks my neck with bites and kisses. At first I get into it but realize I'm still creeped out. I try to pull away but his grip is so strong. "Evan! Please get off me. We need to talk." He moves up to my lips and kisses me gently. I can't help myself so I kiss back.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Catching my breath I say, "What is this? What are we doing?"

That takes him by surprise. "What do you think this?"

It angers me how he never is straightforward so I decide to push his buttons. "I think this is you, a twenty-eight year old man, trying to relive his glory days. I'm sure girls where all over you first moved here but now that you spend most your nights at work you don't have time for any girls. Since, I'm new and vulnerable, you try to get with me." I feel myself tearing up because I realize what I say is probably true. "You already got with the other "meat" at work and now you want to prey on me. You think you can use me until someone new is hired. You made me your assistant because you thought I would suck you in your office." I feel a few tears stream down my face and I run out of the car into my apartment. On my way up I run into Vic and his band members but don't stop.

I hear a knock at my door and open it. It's Evan. He forces himself in and grabs me. He's kissing me extremely rough and pushes me on my couch. "Listen Taissa, I really like you. I never felt this way about anyone; so don't assume anything about me. You are the most beautiful girl I have laid eyes on. I picked you over any girl. I was being honest when I told you I never hooked up with a co-worker. None of them compare to you. I want you Taissa. No, I need you. I don't know how to properly act because I never felt this way about anyone in my life. Maybe I come on a bit strong or even creepy, but I don't care."

He starts kissing me again. And I can't help myself. He slowly takes off my pants and gets to business. Mid-pleasure I hear a knock at my door and the sweet, familiar voice of my new favorite band, Vic.

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