Who You Really Are Part Two

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A/N: Okay so the Tate/Kyle thing may be a bit confusing. I'm going to call him Tate, but they're the only people who know him as Tate so the rest of the world will cal him Kyle. Just know Tate is Kyle. :)

Taissa's P.O.V.

"Hello Riley." Evan is trying his hardest to sound mysterious.

"Evan! Are you okay? You never called me back yesterday." Evan is on the phone with that skank and it's on speaker.

"I was busy with my girlfriend yesterday. But the whole time all I could think about was you." Evan squeezes my knee, letting me know to relax because I was holding Tate's hand and he looked like he was going to burst.

"Oh really?" She says with her best impression of a hooker.

"Yes, Riley. I want to meet up with you. When can we arrange that?" He is so good at the mysterious, sexy act.

"Tomorrow night. Can I come to your place?" Evan looks at me and I nod.

"That sounds perfect. Be here at 8pm. No later." And he hangs up.

I let go of Tate's throbbing hand and Evan kisses me. "I'm okay Evan."

"So Tate, now what?" Evan asks.

"I have this tiny microphone set. We can hook it up under your shirt; just make sure she doesn't touch your chest. And I know you won't like this, guys, but you have to let Georgia kiss you. Just for a few minutes, then she'll be under your spell. That's when you start questioning her." All Evan does is raise his eyebrows. I try to stay calm but I really don't want my Evan kissing another girl.

"Okay," I say jumping out of my seat, "let's get you packed and moved in Tate!"

"Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how much I hate living with these morons."

I smile while looking at the two. Evan is a few inches taller and less blonde. He has more of a mystery and sex appeal to him but Tate is sweet and a goof ball. They're also both very smart but in different ways; Evan is poetic and knows so much about books and authors, while Tate is a math genius and a history nerd.

We arrive home as Tate follows us in his beat up ford fiesta. We'll have to buy him a new car, I think aloud. All three of our cars fit in the garage with space for one more. Tate gets out of his death trap and gasps. "Your place is huge!" I smile at his giddiness.

"Wait until you see your room!" Evan still looks uneasy but puts on a smile.

We order Thai food and watch movies in our basement. "So what've you been up to bro?"

"Well, Tate, after... the incident I moved to New York and got a job at a physical rehab place. Dad knew the guy who owns so he recognized our last name. I've been billing manager since. Then, I meet Taissa a few months ago when she got a job there." He warmly smiles at me. "And she wasn't an easy one to convince but she finally became my girl. But after that, I got a promotion and dragged her along." I can see their brotherly love; I'm so glad Evan finally has someone he can truly trust, besides me, in his life.

"Well, I'm going to bed boys. Don't stay up too late." I wink.

Evan's P.O.V.

I wake up in the morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I sit up and am reminded of my night by a throbbing headache. Tate and I decided to drink once Taissa went to bed. We talked about everything that happened since I left and even cried. I look over and see he's still knocked out so I throw a pillow at him. "Get up!" He shoots up and then back down. I guess he has a bad hangover too. I look around excepting to see a huge mess but it's clean. Taissa must've tidied up. We slowly make our way upstairs and see three places set at the island. She looks beautiful with no make up and freshly out of the shower. "Good morning, you drunks!" She teases.

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