Mixed Signals

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Taissa's P.O.V.

I've been thinking about Evan all day. I've never been touched like that. It felt amazing but I can't let lust get to my head. I need to stay away from him. He's not good for me. I decide to take a nap, even though it's 9:00pm. Whatever. I'm just about to fall into a deep sleep when I hear loud noise coming from the apartment next door. I roll my eyes and remember the guy is in a band. I'm really not in the mood so I go over and knock on the door. I saw this guy once, when he was moving in. I overheard him talking to the two sluts that live across from me. He was explaining his band and once they found out he wasn't famous or knew anyone who is, they ignored him.

I get no answer so I knock again. Finally he comes to the door.

"Hey, uh.." I try to remember his name.

"Vic" he gives me an annoyed look.

"Right. Uh, can you do me a favor and keep it down? I know this building has no noise limit but I've had a rough day and all. I would really appreciate if you stopped soon." I realize what I look like right now. A insane mess which is a dirty Rolling Stones t-shirt and leggings, my hair a tangled and sloppy bun, and makeup running. He probably thinks I'm nuts.

He lifts his brow and looks at me, "I would really like to help you out but out gig is tomorrow and we need to practice."

I start to tear up, not because I care that much but because I've had it. My day has been horrible. I have no one to turn to since Danielle is out of state.

"Taissa, I'll make a deal with you," he reaches into his pocket for a paper, "I'll stop playing if you promise to come to our show tomorrow. " He hands me a a ticket with details on it.

"Deal! Thanks so much!" I run back to my apartment. I lay in bed and try to fall asleep but I can't help but think about Evan. I wrap my self in my blanket and remember the way he touched me.

I drift to sleep and wake up two hours later with three missed calls from Evan and a voice mail. Before I can check it, I hear more loud noises but this time they're different. I hear my other neighbors, the two girls. They always bring home guys and tonight is no exception.

"Hahaha oh you're so funny!" One of them yells. I never bothered to learn their names.

"And HOT!" The other screams while flailing her arms.

Don't they realize people are trying to sleep? Damn me for choosing a no noise limit apartment building. For some reason, I always like to see who they're hooking up with; it's like a game. It's never the same guy though, how sad. Usually the guy is trashy and drunk off his ass. I peer from my door and squint to see who it is tonight. Their backs are faced to me so I can't get a glimpse of the face. I try to rate the guy and usually they get sixes. This guy is wearing a suit and looks put together.

"I caaaaaaaaan't find mah keeeeeyuhs! How are we posed to get in!!" One of them stomps, as if she's about to have a tantrum.

"Didn't youhhhh put it you're braaaaaaaaah!!!!" The other giggles.

"Oh ya! Will you get it out for me sexxeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" She whines to the guy. Finally he turns around. By now I'm fully out of my room, sitting on the floor. They're too oblivious and drunk to notice me. As he sticks his hand down her shirt, he faces me.

"Evan?!" I mumble, or so I think. They all turn to me. I feel hot tears run down my cheeks. My face turns red and I'm furious. He goes from last night to this? I knew he wasn't interested in being with me! I hear the girls snicker to each other and whining to Evan. I'm disgusted and I can't think of anything better so I run to Vic's apartment. I bang on the door because I need to get out of the hallway now!

He slowly opens the door. "Hey Taissa. What time is it?!"

I look at my door and see Evan knocking on it. He's too drunk to realize I didn't go in there.

"Please let me in I will explain."

He looks around the hall, sees the girls, and then pulls me in. "I'm waiting."

I make up a story about how the guy is an ex and Vic sympathizes with me.

"Taissa, it'll be okay. Let's watch a movie."

I nod and smile while wiping the last of my tears. Vic is such a sweet guy. I can't believe we've never hung out. He looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. We watch High School Musical, for some reason and Vic sings along. He is really good. I stare at him and smile. He's such a good person and really good looking. I start to fall asleep and so does he. I wake up an hour later in him arms, but I hear loud moans and screaming "Evan!!!!!!"

I begin to cry again but stop when I look at Vic. He is so amazing. He wakes up at sees me staring at him.

"What's going on?" He says rubbing his eyes.

"Oh nothing, I was just rudely awakened." I roll my eyes.

He hugs me and looks into my eyes. I suddenly have this overwhelming urge and kiss him.

Evan's P.O.V.

I wake up in some bed aside two blonde girls. I sit up and am greeted by a pounding headache. Unfortunately everything comes back to me from Taissa running from me, to Dylan, to these sluts, and to seeing Taissa outside her apartment. I also remember I didn't sleep with these girls. After I saw Taissa I wasn't in the mood but I couldn't go home because I left my car at the bar and was too drunk to walk back, let alone drive it home. I instead made them pleasure each other so I wouldn't have to.

I look at the clock, 9:30am. Good thing it's Saturday and I don't have to be in until 7pm, if I even want to go. I head out the door and look around. Right across from her apartment, smooth.

I see her leave another apartment. I didn't think that was hers. Then I realize, she was with a guy. I'm furious. Who does she think she is?! She's mine!

"Taissa!" I say and she looks over at me. She ignores me and walks to her door. I decide it's best if I go home and shower.

After my shower, at around 12:00pm, I call Taissa and she answers.

"Taissa, I need you to come to my place immediately. Work related." I try to sound as professional as possible, hoping she'll come.

Surprisingly, she agrees. "Okay. I'll be there in an hour."

"Would you like me to pick you up?" I ask innocently.

Coldly, she answers, "No." Then hangs up.

I slick my hair back and put on glasses. I know she won't be able to resist me. I order take out from an expensive restaurant and set it up for us to eat. I can't wait much longer; I need her today.

Upon her arrival, I study her. She looks sexy. She's wearing a black leather skirt with sheer back tights and a long sleeve black crop top, showing off her midriff. When I see she is wearing a choker, I loose it. That turns me on so much. The all black makes her even more desirable.

She looks nervous but exhausted. I waste no time. I have her eat then pick her up and kiss her forcefully, wrapping her around my waist.

Let's try this again.

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