*Anne's Prov*
„Yes this product will bring joy to your kid, I'm sure," I answer, trying my best to not hex this lady in any minute.
"But would he really like it? He is eight you know, what would you say?," she holds the product in her hand, looking expectantly at me.
This lady will be the death of me, I'm feeling it.
"Lady, I have no idea who your son is and the fact that you ask me what he likes shows me how much you care, so buy it or leave I don't care," I say, making myself ready to leave this woman behind.
She gasps a bit for air, stuttering something about how she never was treated that way by an employee, George pops up beside me. He watched me closely before, I look at him annoyed.
He puts an arm around my shoulder mockingly: "Excuse her Missus, she is quite tempered. I'll be with you in a minute."
He gives her a charming smile and leads me away. When we are far enough away he turns to me and I shrug out of his 'embrace'.
"What?," I ask annoyed.
"You need to be friendlier with the customers, this is the third one you sassed today."
"Is it my fault that all of your costumers are dumb?," I make a hand gesture: "This little girl came up to me today and asked me how much the one galleon paralyzers cost. The ONE galleon paralyzers."
George chuckles amused: "Then just smile and tell her they cost one galleon. She was a kid after all, something like that can happen."
"Sure, and if some mid aged woman as to ask me various question such as, if the pucking pastils leave behind some stains, I just smile as well and not ask her if she can't use her own brain?"
"You especially don't ask her that Anne," he takes a deep breath: "You aren't in the pub, where you can talk with costumers that way, here you need to be respectful and treat them with kindness. Don't give me that look, I told you that the costumer is the king here."
"That's bullshit. Why on earth should I be nice and helpful to someone who treats us like shit? That doesn't make sense. They should get treated the same way as they treat us."
My boyfriend lets go a sigh: "Please Anne, just try to be a bit friendlier and smile when someone approaches you. You don't have to look at them as if you want to kill them. They don't have no know immediately that you want to do that. Understood?"
"Yes Boss," I salute.
"Good, now go back to work and don't insult a costumer this time and I deal with the lady."
I watch him go towards the lady and working his charm. Taking a deep breath I turn towards a costumer and ask if he needs help. This will be a long ass shift.
In the evening the twins and I stand next to the counter and make the last preparations to close the store. I yawn a bit, my first workday was more tiring than I expected.
"I'd say this worked out fine, you just scared away five costumers today. My guess was on twelve though, so here ya go," Fred gives George some sickles.
"You really bet how many costumers I would insult?," I ask raising and eyebrow.
"No, we bet how many would leave the store because of you, there's a difference," Fred shoots me a grin.
"I tried okay?," I defend.
"Yes, calling a costumer dumb is certainly trying," he laughs.
"I wanted to call him way worse, so I'd say that was hardcore trying."

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...