Additional Scene 02

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(A/N: Hello peeps. It is exactly a year ago that I have finished this book and I do have to admit I miss it. However, thank you to everyone who still finds this book and decides to give it a chance. A thank you to everyone putting it on their reading lists, to every new reader, for every new vote and especially a thank you to those, who still stick around and still have the book in their reading lists. I hope you are excited for that anniversery update. Hehe.

I was looking through my old drafts I have and found some new gems. Therefore I wanted to give you another "deleted scene". I worte this scene when I was midway in the writing process. It portrays some events differently than in this book. Throughout my writing process I realized that this scene wouldn't work out and so I had to delete it and rewrite it completely. However, now you will get to see an alternative version of the excape of the dragon in Diagon Alley. 

Have a wonderful day my dears and keep being awesome!)

*Anne's Pov*

"I'll go and take a shower before we go, is that alright with you?," I ask moving up the stairs to the Apartment.

Fred turns around to me: "Just be ready on time"

I roll my eyes; "Thanks for reminding me, totally didn't thought about that"

"No need to be sarcastic," he says annoyed, turning his attention back to the last costumer.

I run upstairs grabbing my stuff on the way to the bathroom, looking into the mirror and pulling my hair into a bun. I sigh, I look terrible today. I strip out of my shirt and throw it onto the floor to the other clothes that I need to wash tomorrow. I eye my bra closely, I could definitely need a new one.

Just when I am about to remove my jeans the roof suddenly comes crashing down and I shriek, ducking and finding myself lying on the floor. My heart beats fast in my chest, I look up carefully. What the heck was that. I blink confused. Was that really what I had seen? It couldn't be, could it?

The mess is incredible. Half of the roof lies around me and safe to say, that the lightning in here is very Natural. The door gets pushed open, and slams into me. Straight into my foot. I shout an unladylike word and feel hands around me that pull me up. Still overwhelmed I look at a Twins Face. I can see their lips move but can't hear a single thing. Just a few seconds later the sound emerges my ears.

"Are you okay?," George asks again, getting more and more concerned.

I nod saying shakily; "I'm fine, do-don't worry."

The only thing wrong? I can't feel my foot after all. He brushes some dust from my face and throws Fred a glare.

"Sorry," he mumbles pointing to the door and then me. I sighed.

"What happened?," Fred asks.

"I- I don't know. Suddenly it crashed down on me and for a few seconds I even thought it was a dragon. A bloody dragon's claw ruining the roof."

It was quiet for a moment, the twins look around the room.

"Gringotts," both say at the same time.

"W-what?," I ask confused.

"Deep down they have dragons for the pure blood families and their treasures," George explains.

"We drove past one when we were looking for a new vault," Fred says.

"I don't underst-," we hear screaming outside. I freeze.

"Come," Fred tugs me and George along.

George runs before him, getting his Wand out, looking around before casting charms over the place. I hiss with every step and soon start to take deep breaths. The pain I feel in my foot makes it impossible for me to stand or even walk on it, yet alone run. They don't think of fighting, do they? I search the room for my wand, I grab it, being ready for whatever might happen. What if the dragon was an attack? No... Please no.

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