*Anne's Prov*
The sky is strangely clear when we run to the end of the safety spells. It's a shame how such a beautiful night can be the start of something so horrible. If you think about it, the stars did see some horrible events in their lifetime and still manage to shine so bright for everyone who needs a light.
I grab Ginny's hand, look at her reassuring and concentrating hard on the floors to the Hog's Head. I have to bring us there, no matter how much I don't want to go there.
Not much after, we appear in a familiar room. It isn't as cold as it used to be in there and someone made some furniture changes, but it's still the familiar feeling, still the familiar smell, still the familiar dirt.
"Again? How many more?," a man barks.
"Hello Mister Dumbledore," Ginny greets him.
"Whatever," he mumbles waving her off, but his eyes landing on me.
Through his dirty glasses and bushy hair, you can see very clear and bright blue eyes. It is as if he looks directly into my soul, making it hard for me to look away.
"And who are you?," he asks.
"Anne, Sir."
"Just Anne hu?"
"Anne Storm, Mister Dumbledore," my eyes still don't leave his even when the others appear.
"Is everyone here?," Mister Weasley asks, checking if all of his family members are there.
"Anne?," George steps to my side and looks between me and the old man: "Everything okay?"
Outside you can hear a loud bang and Aberforth finally breaks his staring contact with me.
"For Merlin's sake, how many of you will follow? My pub isn't a train station! I want to sleep!," he moves around.
"There will be a fight in Hogwarts Aberforth," Mrs. Weasley says to the man: "We will just wait for the order to arrive here to speak about the plans."
"Already heard of it, still don't get it. That boy should just leave and bring himself into safety."
"He fights for the higher good!," Ginny states.
"The higher good?," Dumbeldore laughs: "That is just nonsense talking my fool of a brother planted into his head. The only thing that boy will earn from it, will be dying."
"Maybe," I say: "Maybe we all die. But at least we died trying to change something. I'd rather die that way instead of dying like a coward."
"And I thought for a second you would have brains," he turns to me again.
"Never said that I was smart. But I do know a lot more about this matter than you do and Harry is the only one able to stop the Dark Lord on his mighty plans. Without Harry's bravery, we will continue to live life like it is now. Is that really something you want? I don't think so. Otherwise you wouldn't run this pub as we did."
Now there is a certain glimpse in Aberforths eyes the moment the last words left my mouth.
"Follow me, I show you how you get into Hogwarts. But hurry up, we don't have the whole night."
We and the others that appeared follow the man upstairs behind the tilt. I stop in front of the stairs and instead look at the ones that go down. Down there was the dead body of my father.
A cold feeling comes over me and settles inside my chest, daring me to turn around and take all of them with me. In a few hours I might see many more dead bodies. Will this too drag me down as the one of my father? Will I be able to conquer it?

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...