Scene 57- Being Mature

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*Anne's Pov*

"I just don't know what do right now," Logan cries out wiping her nose with her sleeve.

"Keep going would be a start," I say giving her a handkerchief.

Redundantly she grabs it and fiddles with it a while before actually using it. Then she crumbles the piece and lowers her hand down onto the sheet again. The room is empty apart from us and a scary gloom lingers over the furniture.

"I don't know why I did that. Why did I have to be so dumb?"

"You trusted the wrong one. That can happen to anybody. I know that doesn't help you forget, but it hopefully helps you to move on."

"I miss him," she lies back down onto her mattress and a tear is rolling down her face, all the way down to her ear.

"Why?," I ask confused.

"Because we did everything together and suddenly he is gone and off with someone else and-"

"And you are way better off without him. I really don't get how you can miss the time with him. You guys were total jerks."

Logan gives me a stern look: "It's really not the time to scold my behaviour now."

"Doesn't change the fact that you were an asshole though," I point out, standing up from my bed and walking to the closet to get out my robes for the evening feast.

I turn around when I hear Logan sob. Great. Way to go Anne, now you have a lot more to deal with.

"I didn't want to be one. I was just so- so- so angry and they made me believe I was someone. He- He made me believe I was someone. What am I without him now?"

"A capable living human being, that existed before him and that will exist after him," I throw her robe over her body: "Now get up, we need to get in time to the feast and knowing you, you will want to take care of your face first."

I pull on my robe and put my hair into a bun. The girl struggles out of bed and wipes her eyes a few times, still crying.

"Logan, your personality doesn't revolve around someone else. Your worth isn't defined by being someone's. You are already someone and everything else is an additional tool to work with. Now it's the time to find out, who you really want to be rather than long for something that wasn't truly yours anyways."

I almost believe she didn't get my words, then she nods her head and wipes her tears off a final time. She stands up and looks at me with a resolute face.

"I suppose you are right," she pulls on her robes: "I don't know why you are actually helping me, but thanks anyways."


Sitting at the breakfast table my mind still lingers around Logan's sentence. Why did I even bother to help her knowing fully well what she did to me and others. Shouldn't I just let her suffer in silence and let the others, her apparently all so well friends, deal with it?

Or is it the fact, that once you know how it is to be at the bottom and not to receive the help needed, it outweighs every other matter? Being used is an outcome nobody wants to be in the end at.

I look over at Ginny, who is tiredly poking her breakfast with her fork leaning her head against the palm of her hand. I wonder how often she has nightmares with creepy visions of the former self of the Dark Lord and how often she has to fight her trust issues that come along with it. I suddenly feel an ounce of anger towards Harry for having her trust and breaking it. I get his reasons as to why he believes he has to do it the way he does currently, but still didn't he really think about how's this independent girl going to feel.

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