Scene 31- Pranks and Magpies

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*Anne's Prov*

I try my best to act on an advice George gave me. I should try and give the others a chance. Therefore, I'm not sitting alone in the library and go through my homework, no I sit here with Logan and Leyla. I know it looks like nothing for you, but considering that I'm usually not inviting people into a study group, this is a big step for me.

Because I fully well know that learning groups lead into talking and not really focusing on homework any longer.

"What is the answer to question three?," Leyla asks, her head in her hand, not looking up from the parchment: "I searched way too long for that answer now."

"It's Bezoar," Logan mumbles flicking through her textbook to get the answer to question nine.

"Thanks," not even thirty seconds later she sighs: "What's the answer to question four? I really did everything I can."

Logan and I look up and give her a look. 

"And? What is the answer now?," she looks at me.

"Try it yourself," I say back looking at my parchment again, crossing the next question of my list.

"Rude," Leyla mumbles: "Hey, did you know that there is a high chance that Pansy's family might be involved?"

"How did you know?," Logan asks putting her quill aside. I guess that is the moment we stop being productive.

"I overheard her talking with Millicent in the toilet this morning."

"How did she sound? Was she happy about this? Sad?"

"I couldn't tell, she was whispering, scared someone might hear her, well then she shouldn't have discussed something as major as this in a toilet, I mean there are way better places to-"

"Leyla," Logan whisper shouts: "Get to the point."

"Oh yeah sorry. Anyways, she sounded hopeful. That I can tell."

"So," I start slowly: "Her family helps you-know-who?"


"Personally I believe that Dorak is a big supporter as well. Did you see his fascination for this very fancy curse? And all Umbridge did was to tell him how it works without questioning it further," Logan leans back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest: "I can see that this guy will very likely try it at someone."

"Isn't he good friends with your brother?," I ask.

Logan grows uncomfortable. 

"Yeah," she presses quietly.

"Hey there she is," Cole approaches Logan from behind and grins down at her. 

She looks up at him, raising an eyebrow. He looks around, before he leans down and kisses her soundly.

"Aww," Leyla grins, putting her other arm on the table to put her head on both hands now, watching them.

I turn my attention back to my homework. I hear a chair scraping against the floor and someone settling next to Logan.

"I'm free tonight, " Cole starts.

I look up to see him putting his hands on Logan's tights looking at her: "The Squad has the prefects shifts over, which means I'm fully yours tonight."

Logan takes his hands in hers and presses a kiss on them: "That sounds nice." She smiles at him. "However, does that mean, they overtake all of your chores from now on?"

"They didn't clarify that. We will get further information soon enough. So how much desert to I have to sneak?"

"Hopefully enough for all of us," Leyla clears her throat, laughing.

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