Scene 63- Wedding Crasher

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*Anne's Pov*

I sit on the bed and play with the book in my hands. I am still left in confusion. How is that book supposed to help me?

"Can I have a look at it?", asks Hermione.

I hand it over to her and she goes through the pages, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Ginny lies on her bed, playing with a ball, catching and throwing it repeatedly.

"And you really have no idea why you got this book from Dumbeldore?"

"I am sorry Hermione, I truly do not. I wish I could tell you, but I am left as clueless as the ministry. Do you know why you got that book of yours?"

"I don't know," she hands me my copy back. "I do have a belief why, but I at first have to prove myself right. I just thought maybe you getting that book might have something to do with mine."

"Why can't you three just tell us what you are up to?", asks Ginny. She sits up and gives Hermione a glare. "Wouldn't it be easier for at least someone to know?"

"It is too risky Ginny. Please try to understand, we are just protecting all of you."

"No, you are making us mad. That is all you are doing. I need to know if I will ever see you again!"

Hermione's stare softens and she rushes over to the younger girl pulling her into a hug.

"Oh Ginny! We are still here. Let's make the best out of today. Your brother is getting married. Isn't that something to look forward to?"

"Not if he marries that brat. Urgh. I can't wait for that family to finally move out again. They are exhausting"

I am reading the book while halfheartedly listening to the two of them talking until there is a knock at the door and Fleur pushes the door open.

"Good mornin'. Anne do you 'ave a minute?"

"Of course Fleur." I stand up and put my book away, going out of the room. "What is it?"

"I could need some 'elp with ze dress."

"Alright let's go. But isn't it way too early to be finished yet?"

"I still need Make-up and 'ave to do my 'air. Gabriele needs to be dressed too and I need some time for myself."

"Understood. Up into Percy's room."

It helps me to focus on Fleur and her talking. It takes my mind of matters for a while and I realize I am getting calmer too. Her dress is beautiful and the graceful way she is giving herself in it just suits her whole being. Her sister, I haven't had much to do with her yet, is lovely and very well mannered. I can see the way she admires her older sister. After a while someone knocks on the door.

"DO NOT COME IN!" Fleur yells, scared someone could see her dress before the official ceremony.

"I won't. Calm down." George stands on the other side of the door. "I am looking for Anne. Ginny told me she is with you. Is that true?"

"Yes I am here. What do you need?"

"We should be getting ready and Harry needs his Poly Juice Potion. I just wanted to remind you that soon the guest will arrive."

I look at Fleur who suddenly seems to get very nervous.

"Don't worry about 'er. Go," Gabrielle says in a very broken English. I nod and go to the door, opening it just a bit, so I can go out.

"Hey," he grins.

"Hey," I smile as well.

"You look beautiful."

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