Scene 60- The Plan

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*George's Pov*

I am startled awake as Anne sits up abruptly next to me. Sweat runs down her face and she seems out of her mind. Another nightmare again. I press her softly against me, hugging her close, trying to calm her down. Soothingly I run my hand through her hair, untangling some knots while doing so.

It's the fifth night in a row, where she is now haunted with nightmares. She usually doesn't talk about them, but I can sense it has to do with her father. Since the incident with my Mum, flashbacks seem to cross her mind more frequently now.

To my surprise, is mum now a lot nicer towards Anne and with her being more open about what happened, Mum seems to get her a lot better. I enjoy that they are finally getting along. I just wish it would have happened differently.

"George?", Anne whispers.

"Mhm?", I murmur.

"Can I ask you for a kind of dumb favour?"

"Those are my favourite favours." I press my chin between her nape and shoulders.

"Can we make a grave for my father?"

"Wait what?", I sit up abruptly.

Anne sits up as well, playing with the blanket between her fingers. I steady her, so she won't fall off the couch.

"Forget it. That was a stupid idea anyways. Pretend I never asked." She is about to lie down again, though I stop her.

"It's not stupid at all. Are you sure you want to do that?"

She nods slowly: "Maybe it would help me draw a final line to what happened between us."

"If that is your wish, we can of course create one for him. Anything that helps you get better."

"Even if it's risky, can we build it near Hogsmeade on the mountains? After all, he almost was there all his life."

"We can arrange something, don't worry," I press a kiss on her forehead: "Now go back to sleep and come here."

I pull her close again, yawning tiredly. Just how we are supposed to do that, I have yet to figure it out.


We slip out at the back door and carefully retreat all the way down to the field were the safety spell ends. Then we apparate to the end of Hogsmeade and immediately get into hiding. Seeing that place again is strange. Unsure of what I should feel of it I turn my back on it and grab Anne's hand. She takes deep breaths and leads me up a narrow way onto the steep mountain.

At a platform that is hidden by the high walls we come to a stop. We just stand there. Nobody says I word. I don't dare to say anything. This here is Anne's thing to do and she shall decide how she wants it to be. I watch her, as she assembles some stones, leaves and a small branch from the earthy floor. She musters it for a long time. Her hands start to shake as she slowly kneels down to bring all of it together. She stares. She stares for a long time.

Then she starts to sob uncontrollably. It almost breaks my heart to watch her and to not do anything. She needs this now. She needs it to do this alone and for herself. She needs to accept what had happened to find peace from within.

"I don't get how you could do all you did to me. I was just a little kid and yet I know you didn't know any better yourself and tried to give me the best of you, you could offer. I wish your best would have looked differently for me and for you. You and I deserved so much more than what we both could give. I'm sorry for what happened to you. I allow myself to become a better version of what you maybe wished you could have been."

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