(A/N: Hey, first of all, thank you so much for giving this Story a Chance, I really appreciate it.
Secondly, since English is not my first language, it could happen that some descriptions or names are a bit different from those in the original book, since we have sometimes completely different names for one Thing. I tried my best to find the original word of an object or street, as it would have been used in the original books of Harry Potter, but it could occure that a Name is a bit different or a spell isn't the same as you might know it.
If anything like that happens, feel free to Point it out to me, I'm here to learn and would love to learn with you guys.
Additionally, it could also happen that some Events aren't chronically as in the books, I didn't Change the storyline, but some Events could happen earlier than some. So please don't kill me if something like that might happen. I guess that's why it's called Fanfiction.
Other than that, I hope you have a great time and doing good and have fun reading :) )
*Anne's Prov*
They are doing it again, taking the whole lesson for them. I hoped with a new teacher from the ministry they at least try to be silent, however, it turns out they do the exact opposite. That is one of the many reasons why I hate Gryffindors, they never do what you tell them.
I put my head into my hand and draw something on my paper in front of me. All I want is to pass my N.E.W.Ts this year, but it's hard to focus when those idiots keep joking and the other ones find it funny. I look up when the new teacher, Umbridge or something, walks in. Thankfully, the twins stopped their little show and it is quiet for a while.
Once Umbridge opened her mouth many of us wished she hadn't. Bloody hell, what is she talking about? Of course a Gryffindor is putting up their hand: "So we just read in this book?"
I roll my eyes, she just said that. Sometimes I wonder, how some came that far and passed their O.W.L.s in this class. They had luck we had this werewolf the year we had those exams, many of us passed. I'm just waiting for them to get extra points for breathing, just like they always do.
"Yes, I believe it is fundamental to learn about the magic we are using. It is the safest way to get to know it," she smiles and sits down: "Now if you please open your books and read the first chapter."
She watches us doing so. Well, soon she has to stand up because the twins are rather joking around then reading. The whole lesson they tried to get to her, in the end, they just ended up with extra homework. At least, she just punished those who did the 'crime', or whatever they were trying.
I pack my stuff together and walk out of the room. This year I want to pass all my N.E.W.Ts, in my O.W.L year I didn't care that much, now I know what huge role they play and I want to at least pass in those I have. I run a hand through my hair and walk to Potions with Professor Snape. Luckily, we have that with Ravenclaw, makes it a lot better.
Cole sits down next to me. Cole is a friend. It started when he sat down beside me one day and since then, when we had lessons together, we do it automatically and sit beside each other. Sometimes we even do homework together and talk About some Topics, but other than that we don't do much with each other.
Cole has dark brown hair and brown eyes, he isn't the tallest and he wears occasionally glasses when he can't see what is standing on the blackboard. Like he does right now, he puts his glasses on and starts to write down what is standing on the board, usually he takes them off when we make potions.

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...