*Anne's Prov*
I make my way through the dark corridors, praying that no one catches me. It's way after curfew, but I find myself needing George's help once more. My whole body shivers and despite my fight the whole day, the thoughts grew unbearable at night.
That's why I snuck out of the dorm, using the shortcuts George showed me and making my way to the portrait of the fat lady, repeating the password in my mind over and over again. They have a weird password, but I mean they also change the password every year, sometimes every month. We have the same password for decades now and I wouldn't consider Pureblood as a good password honestly.
When I arrive at the portrait, I say the password as loud as it is manageable without being too loud. Her eyes flatter open and she openly glares at me, wanting to monologue me, I say the password again, to cut her off. With a scoff she has to open for me. That are the rules.
I make my way inside. No one's inside the common room. There is just some blaze left in the fireplace, occasionally you can hear the remaining wood and how it burns. I carefully look around, it's so different than to my common room. So much more comfortable.
I walk past the sofas and stand in front of the stairs, which George told me to use should I ever seek him out in the night. Just which door again? I take a shaky breath and make my way upstairs, opening one door to a room. Even the rooms are so different to ours. Even at night they have enough light coming from the outside and their furniture looks so different.
Then someone opens their eyes and I quickly close the door shut. I hope this first year hasn't seen me. I make my way further upstairs. Maybe the rooms are chronologically? Like first year, then second, so that must mean the last door is their room. Let's give it a try. Just is it the left or the right side now? I really don't want to mess this up.
Nervously I push a door open and flinch when it creaks a little under the impact. I look around, there are just four beds occupied out of five. I narrow my eyes to see better and breath out when I see red hair. Nevertheless, I look around for another pair of red hair, otherwise I could run up to Ron and George told me how easily he can scream at night. Don't want to risk that.
Luckily, there is another one lying very interesting in his bed. I tip toe over to one red head. I feel like some creep watching them sleep. Should I really do this? I mean I already came this far. I let go another breath and shake the person in front of me, jump slightly back when he turns to the other side.
Pressing a hand to my hammering chest, I shake the boy again on the shoulder. He grumbles: "Sod off George." My eyes widen and I freeze in place, hoping he would fall back asleep. Should have known this is Fred. Letting go a relieved breath I slowly go to the other twin. The moment my hands lies on his shoulder and I whisper a quiet George, his eyes flutter open.
"Anne?," he sits up abruptly, wiping the remaining sleep out of his eyes.
"Can we- can we talk?," I whisper.
"Sure just not here, wait outside, I'm with you in a minute."
I nod and go outside again.
'Come on, do it. That's the only way you gain control'.
I close my eyes, digging my nails in my skin again. Maybe that could ease this voice finally. Praying that George hurries, and he does, I try to calm me. I already leave traces on my skin with my nails, I just need to add more pressure and maybe-
"That bad?," is all he says when he comes out of his room.
When he sees my nod he leads me into their common room and settles me on a sofa in front of the fire plays, adding more wood so it starts to burn again.

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...