Scene 70-The End

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*Anne's Pov*

At first I can't look at George, bringing Fred down here with Percy was hard enough, it was hard enough to imagine how George will react to his dead brother. His twin. His better half. His partner in crime. I dreaded it and now that it happened I can't look at him.

I can't look until I hear his sobs. My eyes that were darted to the dead corpse of Fred, who just fought minutes ago at my side, who just laughed, you could think he sleeps, wouldn't it be for the blood and the pale cut skin, switch to George.

He looks fine, he doesn't even have major cuts like it is a miracle, and still he got one of the biggest injury out of us all. Tears stream down his face as little sobs come out of his mouth. His mother instantly presses him into a hug, crying as well, shaking with all of her body.

She just lost her beloved son. Ginny appears next to me gasping at the sight of Fred, taking ahold of Ron, who hasn't spoken a word. Silent tears stream down his cheeks. He just came around the corner when it happened. Why did this poor boy have to witness the death of his own brother? Isn't it crucial enough that he lost a brother.

The youngest Weasley's hold each other tight, comforting the other one with no real words.

I look back to Molly and George. He looks like he'll collapse in any given minute. I go up to him and lay a hand on his shoulder, to signal him I'm there, to not startle him too much when I slowly pull him away from Molly. This woman has enough to bear, she can't bear the whole weight of a groan ass man as well.

George instantly cries into my shoulder, I can feel his shaking hands that grab my shirt tightly and his shivering body. I put my head into his shoulder and run a hand soothingly over the back of his head. Soon I can feel that his feet slowly give in and both of us sink to the floor where I still hold I'm tight to me.

Trying to give him as much comfort as he gave me two years before. Just that this here is different. Just that he needs so much more than just comfort right now.

Another sob shakes his body and he lets go of me and takes a deep breath to gather the strength to look at Fred. The boy turns towards Fred's body before taking his cold hand into his, whispering some words I can't understand and wouldn't want to. Those are personal words to Fred, not to anyone else.

To see George this broken hurts. How much would I give to help him. To make it better. However, I know for a fact that this takes time to heal, and it only gets worse before it gets better.

When George breaks into sobs again and almost lies on the floor next to Fred, I swallow hard.

"George?," I whisper carefully: " I'm so sorry."

Ginny sits next to George and strokes the hair out of Fred's face, wiping her tears away helping George up a bit: "At least he- he- grins"

His sister managed to choke out, making George just sob harder. He stares at Fred. I can't bear it any longer and pull his face away from Fred, looking at him directly, wiping some tears away. Unsuccessful. He tries to calm himself, but the tears won't stop spilling, he breathes out a quiet 'it hurts'.

I put my arms around the poor boy and pull him close towards my chest and press kisses over his hair, rock him, let him cry and shield him from the outside. I don't want anything bad happen to him and I will give everything for that.


My shirt is wet, but slowly George calms down, maybe he also got tired from everything. I wouldn't be surprised by that. My arms slowly start to cramp but I refuse to let him go just yet. Noise around us gets louder, or maybe it was always this loud and the world just slowed down for the two of us.

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