*Anne's Prov*
I walk as quickly as possible through the corridors, I mean I'm not in a rush or something, but the sooner I get into my common room the better. Since the incident, everyone is staring at me, I can't imagine how Harry must feel all the time. I almost feel sorry for him, almost. He got an attitude- some of the stares he actually deserves. However, I never wanted to be in the middle of the spotlight, regardless of what I did. I just wanted to be left alone, this freaks me out.
I arrive at the corridor where the library is. It is very quiet and I like the atmosphere here, so I decide to get my books for the potions homework earlier, maybe I can even start today with them, so I don't have to rush tomorrow.
Additionally, they would help me to distract myself. I go inside and walk quietly through the shelves, looking for the right books, that could help me with my essay. Then, as soon as I hit the last row, my eyes see him. George. Well at least I think it is George, I'm just seeing his back.
He sits on a desk next to a window and is looking outside, from time to time he writes something on his paper before him. Again he is alone. I understand that if he tries to talk with me, his brother isn't around, but usually they don't wander around without the other.
Without noticing I walk towards him. I can't just sit next to him, so I grab a random book and sit down. He looks up, probably curious who sits next to him and my insides turn around a bit. What is this feeling? Do I hate it? I don't know. However, I'm sure that this is George in front of me.
George looks quite surprised about me sitting next to him.
"Hey," he grins and my insides turn again.
Can they stop that please? I'm not getting sick, am I?
I don't smile at him:" Hey. What are you doing here?"
"Astronomy homework. I have to finish it until tomorrow and there are some constellations I need to look at, well..."
He points out of the window at the sky. I look at the map before him.
"Your brother already did it, or does he sit at another window in Hogwarts?," I mock him a bit.
I can feel George's look on me, as I read through his map. Well he doesn't know I received an O in my OWLs in that subject. I'm sure he misplaced one star.
"No, he actually works on another homework we need to finish due-"
"Let me guess, tomorrow?," I look at him.
"Yeah," he turns a bit red: "We copy it then from each other. Since we made almost the same OWLs, it's easy for us."
I smile a bit: "Shame that his astronomy homework will be a bad grade then," I stand up with the book I grabbed.
What book is it even? "Hufflepuff- A History", god why?
"What do you mean?," he quickly turns around to look at me.
"Nothing," I say and put the book back.
"No say it!," he soon got a stare from Madame Pince.
Now he whispers: "Did I fill in the wrong stars?"
I nod, seeing how his face drops in a beat makes me a bit weak. Can my body stop? I don't know what it is, but something makes me want to help him.
I take a deep breath: "Take your belongings and follow me," then I walk slowly off.
After a small amount of time, I can hear someone putting as fast as they can their stuff together and run to me.
I can feel him grin beside me and I have to take all my power not to smile too. I walk into an empty corridor.

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...