*Anne's Prov*
And now I'm certain that we follow a scheme.
In the last few days, I had a lot of time to think. Not necessarily about everything good in my life or of good possibilities to happen. It gets harder and harder every day to focus on something good and beautiful and the thought of changing another thing in my life is scary. But even the dark thoughts couldn't ruin the fact that confessing the relationship to others would make things easier in one way.
Recently, I'm in such a state in my mind, that nothing bothers me anymore. It got to the point where nothing mattered to me any longer. So we should just confess it and move on. I should drop out of school, it doesn't matter anyways and let's kick Umbridge's ass or better seriously injure her. Who cares anyways?
I stand in the shower and let the cold water rush over my body in attempts to wake it up, to show some reaction, to feel anything else then this numbness. But it remains rather uneventful. George is angry with me, I'm not so deeply connected with one of the girls in my dorm to talk with them and since the latest events I doubt my trust to Caleb, he behaved way too weird to say that everything is normal, so I have no one to turn to and ask them if they could help me to feel something.
I don't even get fast replies back when I ask Caleb if everything is alright in the pub. To write to my dad himself would be useless, in his current state of drinking again, I highly doubt he can even write one straight sentence. I sigh and shut the water off. Stepping out of the shower I wrap immediately my towel around my body. Maybe this is just my mind making up all those scenarios and I'm imagining too much now.
I don't see any other explanation. The real problem is probably just me and my mindset currently, so I should drop the matter already. And with all that mind business going on, George hopefully decided that it is time to drop the whole relationship thing and he went back to normal.
I hoped the thought of George leaving me behind like that would do anything to my soul, but it remained untouched. I actually start to wonder, if it is even worth it then? I mean the distance we had a long time now, well since he started to work on his products again, alongside his brother, was enough to hide my feelings to such a point that I start to question them. I groan and lean onto the sink and put my face into my hands.
Why am I so complicated?
I feel so annoyed at myself I could punch me.
Wait, I feel annoyed? I let go a breath I didn't know I was even holding. I feel something. Finally.
*George's Prov*
"Hurry!," I hear Lee say as he is running down the hall.
It is crowded and I don't want to be late for Herbology. Today we look after an endangered species and for once I'm curious about one of my subjects.
"Sorry," I mumble when I brush past someone.
"Hey!," a Ravenclaw screams, when I accidently shove his books out of his hands.
"Sorry," I say and move further.
If the hallways just wouldn't be that crowded sometimes, it's a pain. Lee stops next to Fred who looks amused at the crowd.I groan when I finally arrive beside them. Lee is way faster since he's smaller.
"Why the rush?," Fred asks living his best life because he doesn't have any lesson right now.
"Sprout will kill us if we come late to one of her lessons again and other than you, I want to pass my school year," our friend says.

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...