Scene 38- An Offer

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*Anne's Prov*

„You said yourself you wanted her to have a job, to do something. Here is the solution!"

"Yes I said that, but I meant a job outside this house. I don't want to see her all the time!"

"I'm not fond of seeing your ugly face all the time as well," I say, quickly turning to George: "No offense"

We stand opposite of each other, facing a rather difficult subject. George, sweet poor George, offered me a Job in their store as shop assistant. Needless to say that Fred and I both aren't really convinced about this tiny little idea.

My boyfriend groans; "You both need to see that we need help in the shop and you want to help. So why do you guys have something against it?"

"Her with kids?," exclaims Fred pointing at me.

"Me and Kids?," I exclaim pointing at myself at the same time.

"You'll both have to deal with that, because I'm certain you won't find a job that easily now."

"Hey this is still my store, I can decide as well!"

"Okay than you can hire the next shop assistant without me. Sounds about fair?"

Fred mumbles an agreement, I still look at George.

"I don't know if I can do this. I'm not the person people want to approach," I say matter of factly.

"I can approve," Fred chirps up.

"I'm sure you'll manage this," George declares: "But if you really believe this is such a wrong thing to do then don't do it. Just tell me if you accept it or not, once you found out."

Then he leaves both of us, Fred quickly running after him. I take a deep breath.



This is stressing me out.

I have this sudden urge in helping them, but I'm still unsure if I would be very helpful down there. There are a lot of kids down there, I don't have that much experience with crying little monsters that are loud and overall just a disaster. Not to mention all those adults being annoying and demanding and you have to be friendly.

All the damn time.

It was different in the pub. The motto of my father was never to be friendly. Everybody will just use your kindness and treat you like shit. But here's the thing. No matter where I will take a job, I'll have to deal with costumers nevertheless.

I just don't want to ruin the business of them if I'm honest.

The door swings open and Fred comes in.

"Mom will visit us this afternoon, could you do me a favour?"

"Sure," I sit up a bit in the chair.

"Could you clean this whole thing here? Like everything? I'm sure mom will open up some shelves just to find something to point out and I want to give her as less as possible to point out."

"I can try my best."

"Well no. Try better than your best," he grins at me, I poke my tongue out at him.

"Ahh isn't this nice, you'll meet our parents for the first time today," he smiles taking himself something to eat.


"Not to mention how curious Dad is, who this girl is George hides. Our muggle obsessed father probably thinks it's a muggle George hides."

"What do you-"

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