Scene 23- Not Ready Yet

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*Anne's Prov*

Since my so to say boyfriend figured a way to continue with his dream, I barely see him. Again. I do have the feeling that this is a scheme we follow. Meeting and then disappearing for Salazar knows how long, just to meet again.

I mean I admire him for his determination and passion, but I do have to admit I start to miss him. And that alone annoys me.

I miss the conversations we had. I miss the way he made me feel slightly better. I mean my strange mood didn't disappear because he was there, but he made it a bit more bearable.

I pre study for my N.E.W.T subjects to calm my mind that tends to freak out about the upcoming exams. I know they are far away, however that still doesn't stop me from freaking out, so I try my best to calm me with pushing me into knowledge. It works, until I stumble upon something I don't understand and start to freak out again.

A never ending cycle that is.

Realizing I'm alone in the library, not even Granger in here, I let go a sigh and sink back in my chair. As if an invisible hands runs through me, it leaves me with an uncomfortable and cold feeling. This is useless, I'll never be able to make all of them, so why even try? I don't even know for what I'm studying for? Why bother? Thoughts after thoughts tumbled into my mind again and no matter how hard I try to escape from them, they won't leave me.

However, I try to push through. I lean forward again and read through the paragraph. I can't do this. I sigh in defeat and close my books and bring them back. I guess all of this would be easier if I found a passion like George. I'm probably a burden to him anyway. He is like the sunlight everyone needs in his life and profits from and I'm the night. Dark and scary to some.


I stare on my meal, pushing my vegetables around my plate. Everyone around me is engaged in a conversation or busy writing their homework to finish it in time. My chin on my hand I try my best to distract me from feeling so lonely. I mean, I'm surrounded by people right now, how on earth can I feel lonely? What is wrong with me?

I sigh, a lot.

"No, I mean she is about to replace the prefects with the squad. Meanwhile on one hand that would mean no prefect duties any longer and more free time," Cole says, talking to Christine and Leyla, meanwhile Logan has her head on his shoulder. 

They switched places so they could sit next to each other, leading me to sit next to one of Cole's friends and I hate it. He doesn't speak to me, but nevertheless, I'm so used to Cole sitting next to me.

"It still means that the Squad gets more control and that alone is terrible." 

"If Draco dares to speak to me one more time a bit bossy I'm about to kick his ass," Christine states: "This little prat actually took the right to demand I give him my copies for Transfiguration. Who does he think he is?" 

"Someone who needs your copies obviously," Logan grins.

"The worst is that Vincent and Gregory now think they are smart for gaining such a position," Cole sighs: "It's a pain to deal with them currently. I really had to go that far and threat that I'll take points from them." 

Logan grins at him and puts her head up: "And you looked damn good doing it."

She leans forward to kiss him, his smile just as big as hers. I see Umbridge from far, coming inside. 

"Stop you two, now," I quietly quickly say: "Pink Inferni on her way." 

They moved away from each other in just a blink of the eyes and eat, as if they never almost cuddled in the Great Hall in first place.

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