*George's Pov*
"GET HER INTO SAFETY!" Mother screams at us over the loud chunk of noise.I instantly grab Ginny by the Hand and pull her with me. Otherwise she wouldn't move out of the danger. She already is in fighting position and ready to take on any obstacle that comes her way. Everything is happening too fast. I see people running and throwing spells. I hear screams and crashes, fits of angst and people calling out for the other.
What began as a beautiful wedding, now ends in a full disaster and in the midst of all, Ron, Hermione and Harry disappeared out of sight. At least they managed to get out of this. I doge a spell casted my way and hear it shattering behind me. Ginny still tries to get out of my grip.
"Would you stop that please?", I hiss."I am not a little girl anymore, you can let me go!"
"Yes we could Ginny, but," Fred and Anne cast a shielding spell at the same time, making the charms repel and taking the thrower by surprise. "Mum gave us a mission and we will look after you, no matter what"
"Look out," she casts a Bat Bogey hex and bloody hell it is amazing.
I let go of her Hand: "You stay near us and we will get you into safety. Understood? You can fight on the way there, but you have to promise us to stay were we will bring you."
"Fine", she grunts and I nod satisfied.
"We need to get the elderly out first", Anne mumbles.
"There are still coming Death Eaters. They will burn down the whole place if we don't do anything against them", says Fred.
"I can help", Ginny points out once again.
"No", I say.
She rolls her eyes. We are almost out of the tent, when the entrance starts to collide. It is on fire, we hear laughter. They are trying to trap us.
"Arguamanti", Ginny concentrates on the fire.
"Fuck off", Anne screams and throws off one attacker. Fred is dealing with another.
The Veelas are fierce and the poor blokes having to deal with them Aren't prepared for what is coming. Fleur and Bill formed an alliance and take changes casting spells. The ministry workers run around, wands out, dueling. Hagrid takes care of some elderly and brings them out, trying to shield them. Many guests already disapparated and many more follow once they got the chance. The Delacours are out of plain sight.
The fight is long, it consists of dodging and casting spells, of bringing people into safety and having to come back into disaster. I hear more and more Death Eaters arrive. It gets harder to ward them off.
"We need to leave", Dad shouts to us.
"What about the house?"
"We can't leave it behind!", Fred says.
"We have to. We have to bring us into safety. Come together!"
Dad puts out his arms for us to take. I look around at the fire. Ministry workers are trying their best, but I get what Dad is saying. We can't defeat them, we are too little. This only ends when everyone is gone.
All Weasley's grab his arms and the next second the surrounding gets blurry and we stand in an house. It takes me a while to realize we are at Aunt Muriel's. What a hell of a ride."I knew that wedding wasn't a good idea", Muriel erupts from her kitchen looking everything but pleased.
"What just happened? How were they able to overthrow the ministry? What is going to happen now?", asks Anne.
"We have to prepare for fighting."
A few weeks have passed since the wedding and life has changed drastically. We had to bring Ginny to the train, mum cried the whole way and dads way to work seems heavier than ever. The order arranged more meetings and we are constantly planning and looking out for hints as to how we can help the situation.One day Lee came up with that brilliant idea of a radio news cast. We met up at secret places and worked on a strategy that would work. In the end we came up with a solution and nicknames. We need to educate and give hope. Because I can't stand to hear another name of who died in these times.
Anne is struggling in the meantime with her book. I lost count of how many times she has read it by now. Just like now."Found anything yet?" I sit down next to her on the bed and cuddle close to her.
"It's pointless", she sighs and runs a hand through her untidy hair. "I could just throw it away at this point. It doesn't give me anything. I even tried throwing it in water, but apart from it getting more messed up. Nothing."
"What if it isn't water?", Fred asks, looking up from his plans:" What if you need something else."
"What do you mean?"
"I guess it has a Hidden message"
"Wow Fred, thanks so much. I haven't thought about that yet, that there might be a message."
He rolls his eyes. "Listen, what if the book can reveal something, change its appearance?"
"I don't know", she falls back on the bed.
"Is everything alright?" I look at her worriedly. She looks as if she hasn't slept that well.
"Honestly no. I feel so useless. I don't know how we can stop everything that is going down. We can't defeat them. They aren't even that long at the top of the ministry and look how far they already came. How much changed. The new laws they want to pass. How many people suddenly disappear? How many muggles are dying in the streets. Not to mention the dementors that are on their side. Everything is changing, and we can't do anything besides watching and hoping they don't find us."
"Woah woah, calm down. It may seem that way, but we can only take this step by step. We take slow steps into the right direction and we won't let them win. Nothing is hopeless if we believe. And I do believe that with Harry on our side and his Plan, we will defeat them once and for all."
(A/N: Hello my peeps. I apologize for the short update on this chapter and that I switched the actual story up a bit. I know that the Weasley's didn't go to Muriel's straight after the wedding. However, it was more fitting for my kind of plot that I have in my mind, that will come up soon, that they directly went into safety to Aunt Muriel. I hope that little fact does not bother you that much.
Anyways, besides that boring talk of mine, how are you guys? Are you alright? If anything is on your mind, feel free to always reach out to me. You can also reach out to me if everything is okay and you just want to chat, that is totally fine as well. My inbox is open to everybody!
Thank you and proceed at being the kings, queens and inbetweens you are)

The Confession || George Weasley
FanfictionSometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, no matter how hard it might get. Anne is in her last year in Hogwarts. As if she doesn't have enough to do with her N.E.W.T's and purley exi...