Scene 45- A Wonderful Christmas

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*Anne's Prov*

It is a quiet day. The store remains closed downstairs and Fred surprisingly hasn't burst out into another Christmas song to hurt our ears.

I pack the last Christmas gifts the boys want to give their family members, trying my best to make them look acceptable.

This would work better if my mind wouldn't constantly swift back to the fight in the muggle world.

Who was the person going after us and then proceeded to save us from our attackers? Why would they do such a thing?

Somehow my feeling tells me it was Caleb, or is it just my wishful thinking? But then again, why would he do that? He basically killed my father for his higher good.

Nevertheless, he still didn't kill me having a few perfect opportunities to, seeing how clueless I was.

Still I merely belief he just couldn't do anything to me. I mean thinking back to the events make it awfully clear that he tried to interrogate me and even shove me into a certain direction.

Why haven't I realized his odd behaviour? Maybe he didn't have any other chance? No, if that was the case he would have talked to me about it. That's what he always did when he was in trouble.

He did that voluntary. So he definitely wouldn't safe us from the people he works for. Right?

I groan and look at the miserable wrapped gift. I'm tempted to just throw the fucking thing away and do as if the Twins never purchased anything for Ron. I mean considering their strange relationship with Ron it wouldn't even be suspicious.

There is a tap on the window causing Fred, who sits on the couch with George playing a round of exploding snap, to jump and lose the game.

He stands up grumpily and opens the window for the owl outside. He takes the letter from beautiful brown feathered bird, strokes it gently before giving it some treats and letting it fly away again.

"For you," he mumbles, reading the name on the letter and passing it to me.

I take it irritated. Who would write me?

Of course. Logan.

Luck seemed to be at Cole's and her side. The both of them managed to move into their flat they had in mind two weeks ago, straight after the incident happened. Cole more or less still switches between his family home and his so to say new home.

Right now it seems that the Blooms calmed down in their mission to brand Logan and the Hollows don't show any sign of having that in mind yet.

But the pressure is there.

And I wonder how long it takes until Cole succumbs under this pressure.

There is a change in the wizarding world and it slowly divides the community even further and the first to notice it are families like theirs. Suddenly you have to choose between wrong or right and everyone has a different outlook on what is right.

"Dear Anne and of course your Weasley Twins,

A happy holiday to the three of you. May the holidays be peaceful to each of us and give us a well-deserved break.

It seems like my parents stopped their lazy attempts on forcing me to join them and Cole's parents seemed to have disappeared lately.

He guesses it is another business trip, however, my feelings tell me differently.

I hope you are alright and that, if this all calmed down for real, we could meet up again.

XOXO, Logan."

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