Chapter 1

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I was awoken by licking at my nose. I look down to find my black and gold snake laying across my chest trying to wake me up. I look over to my alarm clock and find it to be 7:27 in the morning.

"Really Opal? Why do you have to wake me up at 7:30 in the morning?" I speak in Parseltongue know that she would understand me better that way. I role my eyes as she lickes my nose again and slithers back to the blanket on my desk in the corner of the room. I hear a tapping at the window and look over to find the owl that comes by with the daily prophet.

About 2 years ago I saw this owl fly by my window with a paper in its beak, so I decided to coax it to my window in exchange for a few scraps of leftover from dinner, it would give me a copy of the daily prophet. Reaching the paper in the owls claws I hold out a piece of chicken from last nights dinner. Reading thought the newspaper realizing it's my birthday and seeing that the quidditch world cup was 1 year ago today. The death eater attacks brought me joy for months, in knowing my father is out there somewhere, I just hope he's coming to find me.

I've always been fascinated with quidditch, of course since I can't go to wizard school like hogwarts I can't play it, but it sounds like fun. I decided to get ready for today so I put on my usual oversized black shirt and jeans with a big flannel that has been in the wardrobe for as long as I could remember. I grab my only pare of sneakers and head out. Before I open the door Opal hisses at me and I stop in my tracks.

"What? Do I look okay?" I hiss at her.

"You lookssss wonderful, but you are forgetting ssssomethingssss," she hisses back with her slurred speech.

"Oh right sorry," I speak walking over to her and putting my hand down. She slithers up my arm and raps herself around my neck tight enough to hold on but not hurt me. I smile and walk out the door.

"Happy birthday Dovessa." I say to myself when I walk into the dining room. I plaster a fake smile on my face. The older muggles are scared of me. So I have to pretend to be a normal child.

I've been able to do magic all my life. I don't need a wand like the others. I've been able to control it for the most part, but if my emotions go unchecked then I can be dangerous. We eat breakfast. I decided I'm tired and head up to my room to read.

(5 hours later over at number 12 Grimmauld Place)

Severus Snape rushes to number twelve Grimmauld Place. Home to the Noble and Ancient House Of Black. He despises the thought of setting foot in that criminal's house but he knows that he must see Dumbledore. The dark lord has made a final decision.

Upon apperating outside and rushing in the front door he enters to find Dumbledore speaking to Arthur and Molly Weasley, Remus Lupin, Mad-eye Moody, and Sirius Black.

"Dumbledore!" He interrupts.

"You must go, he's found her, he's found the girl." Severus exclaims, his plan now in full force.

"Look Snivellus, do you mind we-" Sirius begins but he is soon cut off.

"This is important Black, though I understand why the likes of you were not informed." Snaps Severus.

"Has he sent anyone yet Severus?" Dumbledore urgently asks. The Slytherin internally smirks, knowing the plan is working.

"Not yet but soon, he believes that she is more powerful then even himself. If on his side we will be doomed." Severus rushes out, pretending to care.

"Sirius," Dumbledore turns towards him.

"Please prepare for another guest. I only hope I can reach her before Voldemort." With that he apperates leaving a sense of confusion surrounding everyone.

"Okay Snivellus, what's going on?" Sirius asks.

"Stop it Sirius, Severus is on our side." Says Lupin. 'Oh if only they knew.' The potions master thinks.

"What's going on Black is that the Dark Lord has found a weapon." Snape answers his question. He in turn ally sneers at calling his goddaughter that.

"What?" Sirius asks confused. Severus refuses to answer and silence fills the air.

"This girl is more powerful then him?" Arthur Weasley finally speaks up breaking the silence.

"This girl has more power then both Dumbledore and The Dark Lord combined." Severus tells them.


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