Chapter 19

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It was night time when Dovessa awoke. The fire had long since gone out and all that was left were cinders. The girl looks around but there is nobody insight, where Hades and her father once were laying peacefully on the couch now sits the same expensive satin pillows as before. Where Barty once sat is now just an empty plush green chair. The coffee table infront of her however, rests a long box. The box is blue; a silver shimmery ribbon ties it shut. There is a note on top tucked into the ribbon. Dovessa opens the note.

For the chosen protector of our world. May the Gods prosper under your guidance and may the worlds reunite under your rule once again.
Long Live the Queen.

The note sent a shot of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Dovessa carefully unties the ribbon and lifts the cover. There lays a sword. The sword. The one from her vision months ago. Dove carefully picks the sword up and shifts it in the candle light. The words Electus Protector gleam in the light. She twirls it in her hand to get a feel of the weight. It feels balanced in her palm. She jabs, slashes, and spins, just messing with the sword.

"I see you've finally accepted the title. Welcome to your dream scape mistress." A deep voice says from behind the girl. She quickly spins around and points it at the intruder. A tall dark haired handsome man stands in the corner of the room. His large dark wings hang low just barely grazing the floor. He stands barefoot, wearing only a white cloth around his waist. His hair is in neat curls down his back. He holds a scythe within his hand. His face is hard to read in the dark corner, but his chest is obviously scarred even in the dim light of the fire.

"Who are you?" Dovessa asks, a light blush covers her cheeks. The man chuckles deeply.

"Most call me death, but my name is Thanatos. I am the God of Death. Not to be confused with Hades, the God of the Dead. You are my mistress. When you saw the vision the first time in that wand shop, a part of your core deep inside of your soul was unlocked, it took me a while but I was finally able to convince the council to let me come meet you. From the day you were born you were destined for greatness. You were destined to be my mistress." He calmly tells her. Dovessa begins to pace.

"What do you mean mistress? And what council?" The man simply smiles and shakes his head at the questions.

"All will be answered in due time. But for now, the sword will be with you when you awake. You should start training with it as soon as possible." The girl nods along, although very confused.

"When will I see you again Thanatos?" The girl asks with a slight frown the blush on her cheeks depending slightly.

"Soon mistress. Soon." And within the blink of an eye he's gone, blended back into the shadows. Dovessa closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Without even knowing she finds herself back in her chair by the fire. Surrounded by her father, Hadrian, and Barty. The all stare as she opens her eyes. The sword is still in the palm of her hand. A box materializes on the table. A note lays atop it. Dovessa reached for the note.

Almost forgot this.

Dovessa opens the box to find a sheath for her sword.

"That beautiful bastard."


Hey guys...I'm just now realizing that it's been almost 5 months since I've updated... Alots been going on and I'm so very sorry. I've also lost most of my motivation to write this soooo...Anyways love you all and I have no idea when the next update will be.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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