Chapter 9

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The table farthest to the right bursts out into applause. The other tables soon following after. Professor McGonagall plucks the hat off my head and motions for me to rise.

(A/N: Your about to read something that might seem weird, but please bear with me...)

Back to the story...

I take a step towards the table with the cheering students when a sudden warmth washes over me. Gasps sound from the students and I feel a weight on my head, and the feeling of a long cotton like material surrounding my body, I look down to find a sleeveless emerald green dress, half way up my legs diamonds are sewn into the material spreading all over the dress, the farther up the dress I look the more diamonds, the heart shaped neckline defines my collarbone even more.

I ignore the weight on my head and look up to find all eyes on me, some stare up in shock, and some stare in awe. I turn to the head table and look to find the shocked and awed faces of the staff. I throw a questioning look to Severus and turn back to the crowd, push my shoulders back and school my face to appear emotionless. I begin the walk towards the green and silver filled tables. Making my way over to Draco.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I question the blonde, looking him in the eye.

"Not at all." The boy sitting across from him states, I look over to the boy scanning his features. His light chocolate skin looked soft to touch. His dark brown almost black hair neatly standing up in a flat top, with a nice fade, his defined jawline even on either side. He wore a small smirk, almost a smile on his plump pink lips, his dark chocolate eyes meet mine, I can see a hint of awe in them, it only growing as he takes in my features. His smirk turns into a full blown knee weakening smile. His pearly white teeth shine in the candle lit hall. I flash him a smile and sit down next to the blonde being careful not to rip the dress or have the object that I assume is a crown on my head fall off.

"Blaise Zabini, pleased to meet you Mia Regina." He says.

"Pansy Parkinson, I'm honored to be in your presence princess." The girl that is sitting next to Blaise says. I scan her, taking in her awe-striking features, her beautiful shiny black hair, that looks extremely soft, her rosey red lips stretching into a kind smile. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows, and her eyes, oh her eyes, her eyes are one of the most beautifully defined shades of hazel I have ever seen. Wow. Just wow, I've never seen anyone more stunningly gorgeous then this goddess in front of me.

"And I'm not as straight as I thought, Dovessa Riddle wonderful to meet you all." I greet back with a laugh and a smile. They both laugh, and pansy gives me a flirty smile.

"I like her already, can we keep her Draco?" Blaise asks Draco laughing. He smiles.


For the rest of dinner I jokingly flirt with Pansy. Causing a deep blush to take over her face every time. Soon enough the welcome feast is finished and we all head to the common rooms. When we walk in we are welcomed by Professor Snape.

"First Years, and Miss Riddle. Welcome to Slytherin. While you are in this house you must follow our 5 core rules. Rule one, Slytherin sticks together. It doesn't matter who you are or who your related to outside of this house, we are a unit, we act as one and stick together. We protect each other no matter what." Snape says pride shining in his eyes.

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