Chapter 13

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A few weeks passed and there was a meeting for the defense club Hades set up. Unfortunately the location is Hogs head. The rundown pub owned by Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother. But the good part was she could get out of the school and out of the same uniforms. The bad part was it was Scotland, in the beginning of winter. Which meant freezing temps that required a warm cloak over regular clothes.

Dovessa decided to go more light than dark wizard look today because she would be meeting with non-Slytherins. The girl picked out a green mid thigh skirt with a pair of black fleece lined tights, and a grey sweater. She did her hair in a braid crown and added a subtle blue and gold crown on top. The girl slipped on her dock martins and grabbed her grey cloak before heading to the common room so she could meet up with her friends and go to Hogsmead.

The ride there was slightly bumpy and cold. So cold in fact, that Draco had to cast a warming charm on the girl after she denied being cold. She shot him a grateful smile after. When they arrived Dovessa had to meet up with the club at the Hogshead so she put her hood up on her cloak so it covered her face, and made her way to the dinghy pub.

When the girl got there she ordered a firewhisky and drank it in one gulp. It effectively warmed her insides and she tossed down a sickle for the drink. The girl glances around the pub and spies a veiled witch in the corner. She shifts her gaze to the two red-headed twins in the next room and slowly makes her way over to them. She lifts her cloak so only they can see her face but pulls it back down when the door opens. Hades, Granger, and Weasley walk in. Hadrian immediately spots the girl and makes his way over. The boy pulls the girl off to the side.

"Dove, there's gonna be a lot of people here today for this. Their all against Marvolo, so try not to lose your temper if someone says something wrong please." The boy says with pleading mischievous eyes. A wicked grin forms on Dovessa's lips at the remark.

"Hate to break it to you Hades, but I'm no lion. I know how to keep my emotions in check." The girl shoots back. A playful smile takes over Hadrian's serious features. The boy nods and reluctantly heads back to his "Friends", all while motioning for Dove to follow him, she mumbles curses at him but follows anyways after she checks her hood to make sure it's still in place.

The quartet now stand infront of a large group of people. Dovessa decides to stand off to the side but makes sure she still has a full view of everyone in the room. They talk about the groups meaning as Dovessa zones out. She only gets brought back to the world then they start talking about her father.

"Who's to say You-Know-Who's even back?" A Hufflepuff squawks. A devilish smile takes over Dovessa's slight frown.

"Dumbledore's said so." Granger shoots back.

"Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" The Puff presses on.

"Maybe Potter could tell us a little bit more about how Diggory got killed." A male Ravenclaw says. Hades' expression shifts slightly and his hand fidgets with his wand, itching to cast a curse on the boy. Dovessa takes a slight step forward which catches most peoples attention.

"Look I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, or that night. So if that's the only reason your here then you better clear out now." Hazza says with authority in his voice. The Hufflepuff who spoke up earlier has his eyes on Dovessa.

"Who's that?" The Puff questions boding his head in my direction. A proud smirk takes over Hades' features. Dovessa looks to Hadrian who nods his head at her and she slides her hood off her head. Gasps fill the room, some people take a step back, and some people bow to the Queen.

"What's she doing here!" Someone in the back of the crowd exclaims. Dovessa internally rolls her eyes.

"I'm here to help?" The girl answers. Many suspicious eyes follow her every move.

"Dovessa Riddle help? This must be a joke. She's literally the Dark Lords daughter." A female Ravenclaw exclaims.

"She may be his daughter but she's also a Queen so shut it Cho." A Hufflepuff advises the Raven.

"I may be his daughter, but I'm nothing like him. I was raised in an orphanage, away from the magical community. I've never met my father. All I know is that my mother was murdered." The girl lies easily. 'Idiots' she thinks.

"She's still a snake which makes her evil, who's to say she won't just tell her snakes." A Gryffindor remarks.

"Oh gods, you've insulted me! Whatever shall I do? I'll be mentally and emotionally scarred for life!" Dovessa sarcastically says. Harry quietly snorts which earns him an elbow to the gut.

"If you think for one second that I give a fuck about you then your wrong, I'm only here because I trust Harry and he asked me to help out." The girl hisses at the crowd. A few flinch back at the crackle of magic in the air.

"If each of you trust Harry as much as us then we can learn to defend ourselves from people like Vol- Voldemort." The Granger girl stumbles out. Dovessa viciously smirks on the inside.

A chorus of we do's and yes's fall from the crowd of students. Hadrian is pleased and they finish the meeting. They talk about times and places to meet up. Dovessa quickly pulls her hood back up and leaves Hogs head to find her court.

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