Chapter 8

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I waited out side of the large double doors waiting for either my name or the twins names to be called.

"Sampson, Ares!" I hear shouted through the doors, it takes a few seconds before it shouts out. Hufflepuff. A large applause sounds from the right side of the room, where I assume the Hufflepuff table sits.

"Sampson, Athena!" I hear shouted after the applause dies down. There is silence for about a minute and a half when suddenly.

"Hufflepuff!" Sounds from the room again. Both twins are in Hufflepuff. At least there not split up.

A few more names are called. This year there were 5 Slytherin's, 8 Gryffindor's, 4 Hufflepuff's, and 3 Ravenclaw's. With the twins being two of the four Puff's.

"Now before we begin, I would like to introduce our new transfer student.  She will be joining our 5th year's in there studies. May I present, Dovessa Riddle." Who I believe to be Professor Dumbledore announces. I push my shoulders back and plaster a unreadable expression on my face. The large doors slowly open and I move through them and confidently walk down the isle. When I see that all eyes are on me I change my face to a confident smirk and continue towards the stool at the front of the hall. I spot the same boy that I met in Diagon ally looking at me gob-smacked. I smirk and keep walking passing Harry, Ron and Hermione. They smile and wave so I nod my head in greeting. I finally make my way up to the stool. I turn towards Professor McGonagall. She motions for me to sit on the chair, so I sit facing the hall full of students. A hat type object gets placed onto my head.

'Ahh, it is good to see you again my dear, it has been so long since we have spoken last.'

'I'm sorry, when have we spoken last mr. hat?' I question.

'All in due time dear. Now, where to put you... Ambitious, yes. And a nice thirst to prove yourself... a grate mind I can see. You have a dark core, but a good loyal heart, but not very patient. Perhaps Gryffindor, I see plenty of bravery, but those wits can't be ignored... However, your cunningness and ambition can not be over looked...the decision lies with you my dear. Will it be Gryffindor, or Slytherin?' The hat asks.

' I don't know, your the one who is supposed to bloody sort me. How can you not make a decision? And I swear to Merlin if you put me in Gryffindor I will set you on fire. ' I mind speak to the hat.

'That was all the answer I needed. Let it be...'

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