Chapter 14

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Dovessa walks through Hogsmead searching for her court. The girl finds her court inside The Three Broomsticks and heads towards their table. She sits in the empty chair to Draco's right. Blaise and Pansy great her with smiles. Draco, Theo, and Enzo great her with smirks.

"What did these three idiots get themselves into while I was gone?" Dovessa asks Blaise and Pansy. They both smirk and the boys frown and pout. Enzo gives a dramatic gasp which incites a giggle from Pansy and an eye roll from Blaise.

"They took shots while you were out." Says Blaise with a victorious smirk pointed at the three boys. Groans follow his statement, and a mischievous glint appears in Dovessa's eye.

"Without me? That's quite rude boys. Although it's only fair, I did do a fire whiskey shot earlier. Now which one of you is going to get me a drink, or am I going to have to go get it myself?" The girl smirks at the boys. Theo and Draco stand and rush to the bartender. Dovessa, Pansy, and Blaise laugh at them as they go.

"Boys." Enzo says rolling his eyes. A laugh escapes the girls lips. After a few minutes the boys make their way back with 6 shots and a glass of fire whiskey on a tray. Blaise passes them out. Theo, Draco and Dove shoot it down and bang their empty shot glasses twice on the table. Dovessa doesn't make a face but Theo and Draco do.

"Lightweights." The girl grinned causing groans from the boys. The girl points to the other 3 and they repeat the process. Pansy and Enzo make faces and Blaise laughs at them. Dovessa sips at her fire whiskey.

"So, what are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" The girl asks the group, shrugs follow, with an eye role Dovessa stands up and throws 2 galleons on the table shoots back the rest of her fire whiskey and heads for the door. The rest following their Queen. They head to Zonko's joke shop for prank supplies. Dovessa grabs what she needs and leads the group to Honeydukes so she can get caldron cakes and chocolate frogs. The rest of the court gets things for themselves also.

"Is there anywhere anyone else wants to go?" The girl asks the group. No's follow.

"To the castle then?" Blaise says. The group responds with nods. They make their way back to the carriages and they take the court back up to the castle. They spend the rest of the day drinking and talking about random things.

The next day another educational decree was posted.

"All student organizations are henceforth disbanded any student in noncompliance will be expelled." Rang through the speakers after breakfast. After lunch Dovessa and her court were hanging around in the common room. Hades walks in and plops himself at Doves feet and smirks up at the girl.

"What are you all up to?"

"Just talking, what's up Hazza?

"Neville found the ROR so we'll be in there for the meetings." He says with a smile as the girl nods her head.

"How's Dad haz?" The girl asks with a smirk. A deep blush finds it's way into Hadrian's cheeks.

"He's doing great, I just spoke with him last night." The boy speaks. Enzo and Theo smirk at each other from across the circle.

"Do anything other than "speak" to him?" Enzo says with a suggestive smirk and raised eyebrows. Harry flushes further.

"Ew, if we could not talk about my Fathers sex life that would be great." Dovessa says in a disgusted tone. The group laughs and they talk for a bit about random things and Pansy goes off to get a bottle of fire whiskey for the group to share. For the rest of the night the group drinks and retell story's of their adventures of life. Forgetting about dinner in the process.


Court Placings

The Queen- Dovessa Riddle
The Prince- Draco Malfoy
The Secret Prince- Hadrian Potter
The Advisors- Blaise Zabini & Draco Malfoy
The Princess- Pansy Parkinson
The Queens Guards- Lorenzo Berkshire & Theodore Nott

694 Words

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