Chapter 6

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Remus, Tonks and I landed with a crash in the hallway of Grimmauld Place. Our noise set of Mrs Black, who begins screeching about blood status and filth. I quickly stand up brushing the dust off my pants and dash over to the portrait, with a wave of my hand her curtains closed and silence fills the house again. I leave Remus and Tonks walking up the stairs to find Harry, Hermione, and Ron talking in hushed voices.

"Dovessa? Your back? How was Diagon Ally?" Hermione asks.

"Good, I got my wand, school supplies and I met a boy in our year." I tell her.

"Who?" She asks.

"Draco Malfoy." I respond, while I internally smirk.

"What!" I'm taken aback by there sudden anger. I knew the hate was bad but come on.

"You talked to Malfoy?" Ron spits out the name with anger. Ok, rude.

"Yes, why?" I ask in fake confusion.

"Stay away from him Dovessa, his family supports Voldemort, they're death eaters."

"I know that. I also ran into his father. Lucius seemed well aware of who I am." I spoke with a smirk.

"How do you know Mr. Malfoy was a Death eater?" Asks Hermione. Oh no, I slipped.

"Wow Hermione, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that Dove is ok." Says Harry. He sends me a small wink and a small smirk makes its way onto my face.

"Thanks Harry, I'm alright though." I say while punching his shoulder.

"You know, tomorrow we leave for hogwarts. Dovessa, people are bound to realize you're his daughter what are you going to do? And what if you're in Slytherin?" Hermione shoots him a glare as if to say 'You're not helping' but he just ignores her.

"I mean being his daughter, you are kind of the heir." Ron continues. He acts like I don't know, oh my gods he's stupid. I am the heir of Slytherin. I swear Gryffindors are all stupid. Well besides Hades, is he's smart enough to pull this off then he should have been in Slytherin.

"It's alright dove, if it makes you feel any better I was meant to be in Slytherin. The only reason I wasn't was because I let idiots talk me out of it." Harry says making everybody laugh. Ron seems oblivious to the shot against his smarts.

"And thank god for them. If you hadn't been in Gryffindor, then you'd be dark, and we can't have that from our savior." Ron says. Harry looks at me and roles his eyes. Oh if only they knew.

"You always have us, Dessa. And just because you're the heir doesn't necessarily mean you'll be in Slytherin, to be honest you show traits of all the houses." Says Hermione. Please, not be in Slytherin, I would disown myself.

"Thanks mione, but what do you mean traits of all the houses?" I ask faking curiously.

"Well, your loyal like a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor and brave like us too, really smart like a Ravenclaw, your ambitious and cunning like a Slytherin. So you could probly fit in any of the Hogwarts houses." She rants.

"I'm just worried, I don't want to end up in Slytherin. I don't want to be like dear old dad...Dumbledore brought me here so that my father couldn't get me, so I wouldn't be persuaded to join the dark side. Voldem-... Dad, only wants me because my magic is more powerful than his. So he thinks if he can control me, he won't have to be afraid of me. He just wants me as his weapon." I rant in faux worry. Dumbledore basically wants the same thing for me. To use me as a weapon.

"Well, I'm not going to let you become a weapon." Says Harry confidently. I smile at him as the others murmur words of agreement. I smile at them, letting the conversation drop. Let the games begin I think to myself.

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