Chapter 17

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Being startled awake the next morning to screaming coming from somewhere in the house the two teenagers fall off the dusty couch onto the floor. The boy grumbles before falling back asleep even with the obnoxious screaming coming from a room nearby. The girl however cant, she tries to bury her head under the boys arms so that she can block out the noise so she may fall asleep, but the screaming goes on. The girl grumbles out a sentence of profanities as she stands up. She lumbers out of the living room and into the hall where the screaming is coming from.

"SHUT IT." The girl yells startling everyone in the hallway. Everyone in the hall turns to look at the girl.

"What the bloody hell is going on here? Don't you tossers know that we're trying to sleep?" The girl scolded the grown adults standing around the very full hallway. Most of them had the decency to look ashamed of themselves. The matriarch of the Weasley family goes to scold the young woman but she's quickly shut up when she receives a sharp glare from Sirius. Dovessa waves her hand in the air and the time appears in a flash of shimmers. Its 6 am.

"Now, somebody better tell me why your all yelling at 6 o'clock in the bloody morning?" The girl reprimands. Sirius steps forward with a look of distaste on his face.

"Sorry Dove, my dear old mum decided to start screaming bloody murder and we were trying to shut her up." The man says with a glare at the portrait stuck on the grimy wall. The aged woman in the portrait sits frozen as she gazes at the girl infront of her. Shock, confusion, and surprise are clearly visible on her face.

"My lady?" The woman whispers the question. Dovessa suddenly recognizes the woman in the portrait. Walburga Black. The deceased lady to the Noble and Ancient house of Black.

"Walburga, lovely to see you again. I must say you were much more lively the last time I saw you." Dovessa responds with a sly smirk. The lady in the painting huffs out a laugh.

"Well I guess age does that to you." The painted woman tells with a soft smile. Sirius sputters, Dovessa turns to look at the man and he is completely dumbfounded. The young woman scoffs and waves him off in favor of talking to his mother.

"Walburga, why is it you are screaming at 6 in the morning?" The Teenager scolds the elder. The older woman scoffs as if Dovessa should already know the answer.

"I believe the answer to that one my lady, especially because you know who and what is in the house of my ancestors." The woman snarls out with a grunt at and a glare. Dovessa chuckles, then yawns.

"Yes, i'm very aware. However it is six in the morning which means I am going back to bed, so goodbye Lady Black." The young woman waves her hand and the portraits curtains close.

"Now if you are all done yelling then I will be going back to sleep. If I am woken again before Harry gets up then somebody will be at the end of a nasty stinging hex." The girl tells the frozen and shocked group of adults and heads off back to the family room where Hadrian is dead asleep on the floor. She kicks him in the gut to wake him up and summons a blanked for the both of them while he crawls up onto the couch. The quickly fall back asleep, drifting into the land of Morpheus.

-A few Hours Later-

Dovessa is jostled awake by a now awake and energetic Hades.

"What could you possibly want?" The girl groans.

"It's half past 9. It's time for you to get up." Hades tells her as he pulls the blanket off her body. The girl groans but gets up anyways. Hades leads Dovessa into the dinning room where the Weasley family, along with Remus, Sirius, and Moody are. The two greet them all, the girl yawns every few minutes. Breakfast is soon served by Mrs. Weasley, different conversations fill the room. When Dovessa gets her hands on a cup of coffee she sighs in content and takes a seat.

"Sirius, I was wondering if Harry and I could go into muggle London later today? We'll wear glamours, and be extremely careful." Dovessa asks the man. Mrs. Weasley starts to protest before Sirius cuts her off.

"You can go as long as you stay out of trouble." Sirius tells them with a mischievous smile. The girl thanks him and finishes her coffee before dragging Harry out of the room to go get ready. When they reach Harry's room the girl stops him.

"We're going to see father so dress accordingly. I'll put a glamor on us so they won't suspect anything but when we get there we can drop them." The boy beams at the idea and rushes to get ready so he can see his lover. The girl chuckles and walks to her room to get dressed.


Hey guys. I know I'm a terrible writer. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in months, I've been going through so stuff. I hope y'all will forgive me. This chapter was kinda bad so again I'm so very sorry. I hope you all have a very happy holidays and a happy new year.

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