Chapter 15

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The first DA meeting went by with few bumps in the road. Dovessa and Hades taught the stunning spell, Stupify. There were few complaints but a lot of the members couldn't perform the spell very well. It took a few minutes of practice before some got the hang of it. They then had people duel to gage their spell range. A few weeks before Christmas educational decree number 82 was signed and forced upon the school.


Dovessa stands in the line and waits to be questioned. While she waits she reads a book she found in the restricted section on dark magic. She was deeply submerged in the words of the page when she felt a tap on her shoulder. The young woman turns around and comes face to face with Ernie Macmillan, a prefect for Hufflepuff. Also an annoying member of the DA.

"Hi Dove, how are you?" The boy asks with a sly smirk. The girl suppresses a gag and a grimace.

"Do not call me Dove. That name is reserved for close friends and family. How can I help you Mr. Macmillan?" The girl asks with hard eyes. The unfortunate boy's smirk grows.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend? We can go to Madam Puttifoot's tea shop if you would like. My last girlfriend loved it there." The boy basically begged. A disgusted look crosses Dovessa's features before a sneer covers her lips.

"I deeply apologize Mr. Macmillan but I will have to decline." The girl responded with snark. The smirk is wiped of the boys face and he gains a questioning look.

"May I ask why?" The boy questions. But before Dovessa can respond a new voice is heard, and a
hand is felt on Dovessa's right hip.

"Because she said no. Now run along little puff. Don't wanna get tossed to the snakes do ya?" The deep masculine voice tells Dovessa it's Draco. And the flicker of fear in the poor boys eyes makes the girl almost feel bad. The Macmillan boy walks off and Dovessa turns around to find Theo, Enzo, and Draco all looking down at her. The girl laughs, the boys fallowing along not long after.

"Dovessa Riddle!" A voice is heard from the now open office door. The girl takes a breath before sharing a look with Enzo and Theo. She kisses Draco on the cheek and walked in. The office is an atrocious pink with lots of cat paintings.

"Ah, Ms. Riddle, glad you could make it. Anything to drink? Tea? Coffee? Water?" The pink toad sitting infront of her questions.

"No, not unless I'm aloud a glass of Fire whiskey." Dovessa says in a humorous tone. Umbridge giggles a fake laugh.

"Tea please, Madam." The undersecretary nods and pours some in a ugly pink tea cup. Dovessa sniffs the cup. Veritaserum. The girl takes a fake sip. And evil look takes over the High Inquisitor's face.

"Now, Ms. Riddle, are you in anyway involved in any unauthorized group, or club?" The fake Professor asks.

"No, Madam." The girl responds with a strait face. Umbridge looks confused.

"Do you know if Harry Potter is leading an Army?" The undersecretary asks.

"No, Madam." The girl replies basically telling the truth. The DA isn't an army.

"Is your father back, girl?" Unbridge asks now angry.

"Yes." The girl answers with a strait face, knowing what she's doing.

"Have you been in contact with him?" The toad asks.

"I don't understand how that is relevant to the questioning, Madam." The girl tells. A smirk covers the older woman's lips.

"Well. I guess we'll just have to punish you for insubordination girl." The ugly pink toad says in her high pitched voice. She gets out some parchment and a black quill.

"You will be writing lines for me. No need for you to use your quill. I have a special one just for you. I want you to write, 'I must follow orders'." The Professor hands Dovessa the parchment and quill.

"How many times Ma'am?" The Slytherin Queen asks.

"Until the message sinks in." The pink toad tells the girl. So she writes. And writes. And writes. The pain in her hand that she knew was coming is now dull. A high pitched cough makes Dovessa look up from her writing.

"Hand please." The undersecretary demands. The girl shows the Professor her hand. She pokes and prods at the open wound.

"It's good enough for now. Off you go." The high inquisitor rushes her out. Dovessa leaves and rushes past the line of students waiting outside the door. Her hand stinging and dripping blood. Opal raps tightly around her torso in comfort. She stumbles her way to Professor Snape's office. When she knocks a muffled "Come in" is heard. The girl makes her way in and basically collapses onto the chair infront of his desk. Severus rushes around to check on his nearly unconscious goddaughter.

"Dove what happened?" The potions master asks. Dovessa lifts her hand showing him the bloody mess. He quickly rushes over to a drawer and pulls out rubbing alcohol, gauze and other stuff. He uses his wand to clean the mess, and uses the rubbing alcohol to disinfect the area. When Severus gets a good look at the wound he takes a sharp inhale of breath.

"Blood quill. Who did this to you Dove?" The girls Godfather worries, he uses his wand to heal her hand as much as possible. He wraps her hand in gauze and helps her drink a blood-replenishing and pain potion.

"Umbridge." The girl gets out feeling slightly better. Severus nods and sends off a patronus. Draco, Theo, and Enzo coming in not 5 minutes later. Draco rushes to Dovessa. Enzo and Theo talk to Severus about what happened.

"Are you alright love?" Draco asks the girl, as he checks the rest of her over for injuries. The girl nods sitting up. She hugs Draco. They just sit there and hold each other for a bit, knowing it was gonna be okay if they had each other.


Court Placings

The Queen- Dovessa Riddle
The Prince- Draco Malfoy
The Secret Prince- Hadrian Potter
The Advisors- Blaise Zabini & Draco Malfoy
The Princess- Pansy Parkinson
The Queens Guards- Lorenzo Berkshire & Theodore Nott

1059 Words

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