Chapter 10

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Waking up early Dovessa decides to go for a run, quickly and quietly getting her workout clothes and running shoes she heads for the door, but not before putting her hair up before anyone sees it.

Climbing the stairs that lead up storm the dungeons she spots Professor Snape, she continues on her walk, only to get stoped by the the resident dungeon bat.

"And where are you going this early in those clothes Ms. Riddle?" He calmly states with an eyebrow raised.

"Good Morning, just out for a run Mr. Professor Sir." The girl beams. Severus's face softens into an almost smile.

"Ok, but do be careful little dove. Wouldn't want you getting hurt already." The Professor speaks.

"Will do." The girl responds before walking away. Dovessa finds her way to the courtyard to stretch before jogging down to the black lake. Smiling as the giant squid's tentacle reaches out of the water. She takes in a deep breath of air, happy that she is finally out of that orphanage, even if it's only for a few months.

Jogging around the black lake she takes in the beautiful trees and sites. Slowing when she spots a stag standing in the tree line. When it spots her it quickly sprints away. Wanting to see the majestic stag again she follows it into the forest.

Quickly shifting into her animagus form when she enters the tree line, the girl sniffs the air. She catches a familiar sent, although she doesn't remembering the sweet sent she follows it, finding the stag not far off drinking from a stream. Quickly shifting back and quietly moving towards the stag she sits next to it.

It almost spooked, but calmed when it saw her. The stag slowly lays at her side. Laying its head in the youngest Riddle's lap. The girl giggles and strokes the stags head. Watching its reaction, what confuses the girl is that the stag looks like it's humane, like it isn't just a wild animal.  The stag makes a purr like sound. Giggling the girl begins to sing,

'Lavender's Blue, dilly dilly, lavender's Green'
'When I am King, dilly dilly, you shall be queen,'
'Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?'
' 'Twas my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so.'
'Call up your men, dilly dilly, set them to work'
'Some to the plough, dilly dilly some to the fork,'
'Some to make hay, dilly dilly, some to reap corn,'
'Whilst you and I, dilly dilly, keep ourselves warm,'
'Lavender's green, dilly dilly, Lavender's blue,'
'If you love me, dilly dilly, I will love you.'

As she continues to hum the song she casts a wandless Tempus charm to see it to already to be 7:20. Lightly shrieking, she quickly stands up, trying not to spook  the stag that is now standing in front of her.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Stag but I must be going or I will be terribly late." She utters before quickly sprinting out of the tree line and back up to the castle. Being carful to not be seen, she runs down the stairs leading into the dungeons. And continues to run to the common room.

Quickly hissing out the password in Parseltongue she rushes to her dorm for a shower and change. Not noticing the odd looks she received from her new friends.

569 Words

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