Chapter 3

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We apparated inside a house, in what appeared to be a very dark and dusty hallway. The spinning in my head was just starting to disappear when the screaming started.

"FILTH! MUDBLOODS! Disgracing the house of my forefathers, the Noble House of Black. BLOOD TRAITOR SCUM!" The shouts were coming from a portrait of an elderly woman. I let go of the professor's arm and walked straight up in front of her. 

"Be quite." I said simply, waving my hand. She found herself unable to speak and the curtains closed in her face.

"Who are you and how did you do that?" Came a oddly familiar man's voice from behind me. I turned around to find a group of people staring back at me, eleven wands pointed in my direction. The one who had spoken was a man with shoulder-length curly hair Sirius Black. My godfather. Behind him stood a man with scars criss-cross on his face, a fake eye wondering from my face to Opal who was still perched on my shoulders, next to him stood a man with black, greasy hair and a hooked nose, Severus Snape, my other godfather. A family of red heads stood around them, a girl about my age with bushy brown hair, and a boy with unruly raven-black hair, green eyes and a lightning bolt scar that I could identify anywhere. Harry Potter.

His eyes met mine and we started at each other. I was shocked to finally see the boy who was meant to be my "step-father". That's right, Tom Riddle, and Harry Potter are soulmates. I didn't feel any hatred towards Harry, on the contrary, I kinda wanted to hug him for bringing back my father.

"Who are you and how did you do that?" The man demanded again. Opal hissing at his hostile tone. I send her a sharp look.

~Calm yourself Opal, you know Sirius got his memories wiped.~ I speak to her through our bond.

"Magic." I answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I see recognization appear in Harry's eyes.

"But you didn't use a wand." Said the girl with bushy hair. She just about radiating a 'Know-it-all' aura.

"I know that." I replied. The adults start to throw accusations at me all at once, at which point Dumbledore made his presents known and speaks up.

"Quiet please everyone. Dovessa will answer your questions soon, but first, I think she needs something to eat. Molly?"

"Oh of course Dumbledore." Says the short plump lady with red hair.

"Right this way dear." She ushers me into the kitchen and towards the table, returning with a big plate of pasta.

"Thank you." I say politely, I need to at least act like I'm in there side.

"It's no trouble at all dear, I'm Molly Weasley." She says smiling at me. Everyone seems to have drifted into the kitchen and are currently taking seats around the table, all eyes still on me...or Opal. She's becoming restless under there stares.


"Yes Dovessa?"

"Is it ok is Opal moves around, she's a bit anxious?" I say pointing to the bench top.

"Of course." He replies with a smile.

'Opal calm down, these people won't hurt me, not with dumbledore here he needs me and if they hurt you I'm out. Sit on the bench and calm down.' I tell her in parsletongue. Speaking in parsletongue probably wasn't the brightest idea amongst a group of strangers. They all look at me like I'm about to jump up and kill them. Which in my defense, I already have the urge to do.

'You speak it?' Comes a voice, I look up to see people looking from me to Harry. I nod.

'Yes,' I reply. 'Its an honour to meet you Harry Potter, I've wanted to thank you for a long time.'

'For what?' He asks.

'For bring back Tom Riddle, or should I say my father. What do I call you know? Please don't make me call you dad or Papa, that's just weird.' He laughs out loud. A bright smile taking over his features.

'Don't worry Dove, your father has told me loads about you. And if you call me anything but Harry, Haza, or Hades, I'll kill you myself.' He ends with a slight smirk.

'What ever you say Hades.'
Harry was about to respond when Sirius bashes his hand against the table, making me pretend to jump in fright and Opal hiss at him for scaring me.

"Who and what have you brought into my house Dumbledore?" He demands. I can hear the strain in his voice. I just know his magical core is trying to break the memory charms an compulsions.

"That is enough Sirius." Says Dumbledore.

"Who are you?" Says a shy voice, a red haired girl. Clearly the daughter of Mrs Weasley. Now for the big reveal. Honestly, I hope there scared.

"My name is Dovessa Persephone Riddle." I say with a bit of confidence in my voice.

(Shorter chapter)
851 words

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