Chapter 2

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⬆️Opal reference picture⬆️

A few years back I found that I could create and control the elements, I first found I could could control water, then air came along after that was earth. I found that I could also control electricity, lightning, light (which consisted of mostly sunlight), darkness or shadows and most recently fire.

'Opal?' I hiss. I've been practicing creating and controlling my fire for 3 hours. I have been able to control it enough that it can be contained without the threat of it spreading.

'You keep telling me I'm a very powerful witch. But if I'm as powerful as you say I am then why can't I go to hogwarts?' I ask in a disappointed tone.

'Husssh, my child. You will go one day ssssoon, but you must have faith. Until then you must learn to control your emotions and not allow them to influence your magic.' she hisses back in a calming way.

'Okay... But what about this stuff with my father. He has returned, and I can feel it in my bones that he is coming to rescue me.'

'Shh child. That old goat is here, you need to make it seem like your on his side. '

"Dumbledore says he's back and I believe dumbledore." I say out loud, no longer speaking in parseltongue after I catch on to what she means. I quickly pull my Occlumency walls up tight.

"Your loyalty to strangers is admirable, Miss Riddle." Suddenly a voice says from the shadows. I spin around fast. Coming face to face with the man himself Albus Dumbledore. His jaw covered in a long white beard and blue eyes hidden behind the cresent moon glasses that rest on his long noes. He adorns himself in bright pink and yellow robes.

"How do you know who I am? And how did you get in here Mr. Dumbledore?" I ask urgently, he looks at me with a twinkle in his eye. He takes a seat on the stool infront of the desk.

"Professor," he corrects, "Miss Riddle, I have known who you are since you were placed in this orphanage, it was I who put you here after all. And as for how I got here, I'm sure you know the answer to that question. If not I'm sure you could ask your friend, I'm sure she knows." He explains and gestures to Opal, who watches Dumbledore carefully. Her eyes scanning every inch of his face before looking to me.

"Magic." I reply and he nods. "How did you know I could talk to snakes?" I ask, playing along.

"I've been watching the conversation between you two before I chose to speak up." He tells me before looking down.

"Sir, did you know I was a witch?" I ask impatient. He looks up at me and responds with a "Yes".

"Then why not bring me to hogwarts? Why leave me here in this god-forsaken orphanage?" I ask looking him in he eye showing him how frustrated I was. When in reality I almost bust into laughter because of how stupid he is.

"I do apologise Dovessa, I thought that keeping you away from magic was the best way to protect you. I was wrong." Silence settles in the room. He got that right.

"Miss Riddle, may I ask what the extent of your powers are? It's quite obvious that you are no ordinary witch." He says with a small smile tugging at his lips. Here we go.

"Yes I know, Opal has told me all about how special I am." The professor chuckles. I let out a sigh and begin.

"When I was 11 I discovered I could change my appearance, if I wanted to hide or if my emotions got too out of hand. Once I found Opal I discovered that I could speak parseltongue. She told me I was a witch and from then on my magic advanced."

"How so?" He curiously asked.

"I learnt spells. Without a wand. I made them up myself and they worked.

"Wandless magic." He whispers, more to himself, his face showing shock.

"Yes. I can also control the elements wind, and water along with light- which consists of mostly sunlight but also light energy- I can also heal myself, and I learnt recently that I can change into a..." I stop myself not knowing how to continue. I didn't tell him about the fire, earth, electricity, lightning or darkness that I can also control, but I don't want to spill the beans to him.

"A..." He prompts me to continue.

"A Wolf, sir." I respond, I didn't tell him about my other form because I didn't master it yet, and there's no chance I would tell him about it.

"Wow, I don't think I have ever meet someone more powerful. Dovessa you are a parselmouth, metamorphmagus, animagi, and an elemental. Plus you can perform magic without the need of a wand or spells. Simply by thinking. You my dear are truly remarkable and very impressive. Miss Riddle you do understand that your father has returned?" He says all with an awestruck expression. I smirk internally knowing I was about to ruin all of his plans.

"Yes Professor." I innocently say.

"I believe Tom is after you. Possibly more so than Harry. I wish to offer you a place at Hogwarts, like you should have been all those years ago." He says patient waiting for a response. A smile finds itself settling in my face. I'll finally be able to see Draco again.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I squeal. I jump up and down, trying not to grimace at my own actions. But I have to stick to the plan.

"Wait, can I bring Opal?" I ask fainting worried. I was gonna take her either way.

"Of course, she seems like a loyal companion." He says with a soft smile on his lips.

"Sir, there's something I haven't told you." I fake frown makes its way into my face as I lift my left sleeve to reveal the dark mark burning bright on my skin. I can feel it tingle telling me my father is thinking of me.

"Not a bother, Dovessa. However I do suggest you keep it hidden." I nod my head in understanding.

"But I must ask Miss riddle, that you leave the orphanage at once. It's no longer safe with your father back." The old coot says, I internally laugh, I finally get to leave this disputing orphanage, even if it isn't with my father.

"But where will I go?" I ask. I'll go to Malfoy Manor if he dosnt take me with him.

"Have no fear Dovessa. I have a place in mind, let us go." He says. With a wave of my hand, my clothes and possessions sore into a trunk which has appeared at my feet. I turned to Opal, my hand out stretched and she slithers onto my shoulders. Reaching out I grasp Dumblebee's arm and we leave, giving my home for 14 years one last look before I'm dragged into enemy territory.


(A/N I almost completely change the plot line of the book so enjoy!)

Vena Meadows
1205 words

Vena Meadows1205 words————————————

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