Chapter 12

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* Outfit *
Basically the same as last chapter
Here's the crown

* Outfit *Basically the same as last chapterHere's the crown

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The morning after the Umbridge fiasco Slytherin was practically praising Dovessa, and she took it in stride, the girl kept her head high, she smirked when her friends found her.

"Girl you are killing it since yesterday, also I love the crown today! Really hot!" One of the Greengrass sisters calls out as she leaves the room. The girls giggles can be heard before the door is shut. Dovessa makes her way to the common room waving and giggle if at the other snakes and there complements. Her friends were sitting around on the couches like yesterday.

"Good morning snakes! Slept well I hope." Dovessa voices to the common room. She gets yes's from all around as she sits down. She smiles at the boys and hugs Pansy when she sits next to her.

"Hey Dove, sleep well?" Blaise asks. A mischievous glint falls into her eyes.

"I would have if somebody, didn't snore the whole night." Dovessa smirks at Pansy, the other girl lightly snorts.

"Oh please, I would have slept well if you weren't to busy scheming your dark lady plans to turn the light off." Pansy shoots back. Blaise and Draco smile fondly at the banter.

"Alright ladies, we need to get down to breakfast." Blaise says interrupting the insult competition. We laugh it off and head out. Breakfast was uneventful and so were the classes. After dinner the 5th year Slytherins were all hanging out in the common room. My court was sitting around me all with drinks in there hands when two tall boys with brown and dirty blond hair walk up to the group. Draco and Blaise eyeing them as they pass.

"Princess, a pleasure to meet you, if I may introduce myself, my name is Theodore Nott, and this is Lorenzo Berkshire." The taller one with dark brown hair says with a bow. I stand and hold out my hand. Lorenzo is the first to kiss just above my knuckles, then Theodore does. There dark magic hits me like a brick. A vicious smirk takes over my face that makes Pansy shiver from the corner of my eye.

"A pleasure, would you like to join us?" I question with a smirk. They accept and sit down.

The two boys would later be placed in the court as the Queens guards after becoming close friends and trusted allies.

—————Time skip—————
———-November 1995———-

There are rumors going around about a secret defense group. But it wasn't proved until Hades popped up in the Slytherin common room a few weeks later.

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