Chapter 4

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"As in Tom Riddle?" Asks Sirius

"Voldemort's daughter." The man with the fake eye and scars say. There is a collective intake of breath,

'Idiots.' I say in parsletounge to Harry.
I then look up acknowledging the fear in everyones eyes but Dumbledore's, the greasy haired man and Harry.


"Why did you bring that bastards spawn into my house Dumbledore?" Sirius demands but the strain in his voice grows. I close my eyes and clench my jaw pretending that I'm trying not to cry I can feel my eyes watering. But I shut my eyes closed tighter, holding them back. I already know the plan is going smoothly.

"Leave her alone Sirius." They all turn shocked towards Harry except for Severus, he knew his lord would speak up about his future step-daughter. Harry gets up and walks towards me. He stops before me and extends his hand.

"Hi, I'm Harry and I don't care who your father is, he doesn't define who you are, and from our little conversation we had I can already tell you are nothing like him." He says with a wink. I look up at him and fake an awed look. He just laughs.

Instead of shaking his hand, I bring him into a hug.

"Thank you Hades." I whisper in his ear. I pull back and give him a warm smile. The look on Sirius's face is utterly priceless. The bushy haired girl is the next to speak up.

"Well if Harry and Dumbledore trust you, then so do I. I'm hermione by the way." I fake smile at her I can smell her dirty blood from here. Next to introduce themselves are the Weasley's. Molly, her husband Arthur, and there children. Fred, George,Ron, and Ginny. Next is Mad-eye Moody, who told me that he has his eye on me. Severus and lastly Sirius who also grumbled a pained apology.

"Wait." Says Harry.

"Dumbledore before, someone said that Dovessa is Voldemort's weapon. More powerful than both you and him. Is that true?" He asks. I can feel the smug smirk wanting to creep up on my face.

"Oh yes harry, Dovessa is the most powerful witch in the last millennium. I believe more so then Merlin himself. You saw when she arrived just a small sample of her power." The professor explains.

"What do you mean?" Asks Fred, or maybe George, I really can't tell.

"She did wandless magic. Not only wandless, but non-verbal magic and I'd bet she didn't even use a spell." Dumbledore turns to me to confirm his suspicion, and I nod in return.

"She simple thought what she wanted the outcome to be and it happened." I look down at the table no wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

"So..." Comes the deep raspy voice of mad-eye moody.

"Your on our side? Your not gonna betray us for your father?" He continues staring at me with both eyes. I internally scoffed.

"I hate my father. He was better to me and everyone, dead." I reply. That really hurt to say but I need to gain there trust. I look over to dumbledore only to see a twinkle in his left eye as he gazes at me.

"I'm awfully tired dumbledore. Could we continue this discussion tomorrow?"

"Your room is the first up the stairs on the right," Mrs. Weasley speaks up with a kind tone.

"Of course Miss riddle." Says Dumbledore.

"Also tomorrow Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks will be taking you to get your school supplies I'm very curious to see your wand you know?" I look at him questioning the sanity of this man. But I'm also excited to see moony again. It's been so long.

"You my dear are a very powerful witch I can only imagine the one that will choose you." Dumbledore continues seeing the questioning look coming from me. I'm nod my head and walk up the stairs to my room. I see a small bed in the corner of the room and fall onto it. I find myself drifting into unconsciousness almost immediately after changing into a change of clothes, I re-braid my hair then put up a privacy ward around my bed.


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